CAS '21 Angela Yang

SA: CIEE Khon Kaen
GRIP: Intern in India

Programs Abroad:

  • Semester Abroad (SA): CIEE Khon Kaen: Development and Globalization, Thailand

  • Global Research and Internship Program (GRIP): Shahi Exports Intern in India

Ask me about...

  • Looking like a local from the host country but not actually being a local

  • Experience homestays and community visits

  • Going abroad without any other Penn students

My Experience Abroad:

As I study International Relations, I chose a program specifically focused on development and globalization. Through this program, I learned about international development through direct contact with communities experiencing the effects of globalization. By having exchanges with NGOs, villagers, and government officials, I gained different perspectives and learned about the complexities concerning environmental, development, and globalization issues. For example, during one unit I examined how global trade and pricing mechanisms of sugar affect local sugarcane farmers in Thailand. I was able to see how the theories I studied in class connected to real-life people and also how they failed to completely represent the realities of the people on the ground.  As I concentrate on human rights, I also gained a deeper understanding of the connection between global human rights and community rights, and how they intersect but also differ. 

Other Highlights:

  • Weeklong community visits where we lived with local homestay families in rural Thailand 

  • Having deep conversations around a bonfire with my classmates and professors on a community visit while stargazing

  • Competing in "color games" competition (sports day) with local Thai students 

  • Going to a local market on a scavenger hunt for Thai class to practice our vocabulary

  • Interviewing the local government office about its land rights policies and why villagers were being evicted 

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