China, Technology, Power & Security Watch Now: Book Talk: China's Next Act with Scott M. Moore

November 2, 2022
By Perry World House

In the United States, policy discussions about China tend to focus on growing competition, as this emerging power increasingly challenges America’s dominance on the world stage. In his new book, China’s Next Act, Penn’s Scott M. Moore argues that the emphasis actually needs to be on balancing this competition with cooperation.

As the country with the world’s largest population, its second-largest economy, and growing political and military influence, China will have a major role to play in meeting shared global challenges such as climate change, pandemics, and the rise of new technologies like artificial intelligence. These urgent global issues are already changing China’s economy, its foreign policy, and its relationship with the wider world.

Should the US compete or collaborate with China on issues like ecological security, pandemic response, or scientific advancement? What might our shared ecological and technological landscape look like? And how should we prepare for a future increasingly shaped by China? In this book talk, Moore discussed these questions and others.

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