Special Notice about Diplomas for Graduating Students
By: University Secretary
Special Notice about Diplomas
The following schools will distribute diplomas at their graduation ceremonies:
School of Dental Medicine: All
Law School: All
Perelman School of Medicine – MDs only
School of Veterinary Medicine: All
All other diplomas will be mailed in July via First-Class U.S. mail (not trackable). Diplomas are mailed to the permanent address listed in Penn InTouch, and graduating students are strongly encouraged to review their address information for accuracy. Students who do not wish to use their permanent address should set a temporary address in Penn InTouch. Temporary addresses must be valid from June 7 to September 30 (these dates can be set in Penn InTouch). Addresses must be updated no later than June 7. Failure to set a temporary address by June 7 will result in the diploma being mailed to the permanent address.
Other diploma delivery options include purchasing trackable express shipping or arranging to pick up the diploma on campus. Trackable express shipping can be purchased online, and those wishing to pick up their diplomas on campus in July can submit a Diploma Pick Up Request. The deadline for requesting these alternate delivery options is June 7.
Please visit the Office of the University Secretary’s website for more detailed diploma information: https://secretary.upenn.edu/ceremonies/diplomas