Global Quaker

The Global Quaker is a weekly newsletter that features events, campus initiatives, and other items of interest to Penn’s international student community.  

Subscribe to the Global Quaker

Subscribing to the Global Quaker is a great way to keep up to date with what’s going on at ISSS and around campus.

We feature a variety of opportunities to connect with the Penn and Philadelphia communities, no matter where you are in the world.

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Promote your event or initiative in the ISSS Global Quaker newsletter!

Interested in having your event or initiative featured in the Global Quaker? Please fill out the form below. We are unable to accommodate all submissions, but all submissions will be reviewed and included in the appropriate issue of the Global Quaker. Additionally, please note that we are not able to feature student-run surveys or advertisements for paid services, events, or initiatives. 

Please enter your University of Pennsylvania email address.
Penn School, Center, or Group
Sell your event – enter the description you’d like to have used to promote to your intended audience.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Start Time(Required)
MM slash DD slash YYYY
End Time(Required)
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    View Past Issues of the Global Quaker

    Missed an issue? Need to find something you half-remember seeing? Our Global Quaker archive has you covered.