Academic Life
Familiarize yourself with academic life at Penn
There is no central federal department that controls all aspects of higher education in the US. American universities and colleges have considerable autonomy in determining their academic procedures and policies. The granting of a degree does not normally involve national or state examinations.
- Differences in the US Education System: Students and scholars unfamiliar with the US system may find many aspects of American education different from those in their home countries.
- Importance of Understanding Penn’s Policies: It is essential to familiarize yourself with the policies and procedures governing academic coursework and research at Penn as you will be responsible for complying with them.
- Strict Enforcement of Academic Policies: Because academic life is the heart of the university, these policies and procedures are strictly enforced and respected among the university community.
See University Policies and Procedures for the information you need to know to interact successfully at Penn in both academic and non-academic situations.
Course Units and Degree Requirements
In order to receive a degree, you must accumulate a certain number of course units and satisfy certain requirements for your major. Each degree program has different requirements. You should have a clear idea of what the requirements are for your program.
Registration for Classes and Payment of Tuition and Fees
Pre-Registration and Course Selection: Registration for classes occurs each semester. Some students will have the opportunity to pre-register, i.e., to register in advance, midway through the current semester, while others will register at the beginning of the new semester during the course selection period.
Coordination of Registration and Financial Services: Specific dates vary slightly from semester to semester. Registration and scheduling is coordinated in the Office of the University Registrar and the Office of Student Financial Services handles the charges and credits for your department or school under the umbrella of Student Registration and Financial Services (SRFS).
Office of the University Registrar
3451 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Tel: 215-898-6636
Office of Student Financial Services
3451 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Telephone: 215- 898-1988
Academic Resource Centers
Weingarten Learning Resources Center
Stouffer Commons
3702 Spruce Street, Suite 300
Tel: 215- 573-9235
As part of University Life, the Weingarten Center provides academic and disability support services for Penn students through Learning Resources, Student Disabilities Services, and Tutoring Services. See information below to find out more about these support services and to access direct links.
Learning specialists provide individual consultations and workshops that support students in optimizing their study strategies by addressing topics such as time management, exam preparation, academic reading, and academic writing.
Support for International Students: Many international students also find it beneficial to talk with a learning specialist about approaches to coursework in an additional language and understanding U.S. classroom culture.
Provides comprehensive, professional services and programs for students who self-identify with disabilities to ensure equal academic opportunities and participation in University-sponsored programs.
Offers Penn undergraduate students free, accessible, and convenient options to supplement their academic experience. Tutors work with students in groups and one-on-one, by appointment and drop-in.
Tutoring Center
Tel: 215-898-8596
The Tutoring Center offers Penn students a variety of peer tutoring services. All services are free for matriculating undergraduates.
Courses Supported by Tutoring: Tutorials are generally offered for the core introductory and intermediate undergraduate courses.
The Marks Family Writing Center
Tel: 215-573-2729
Run by the Critical Writing Program, this tutorial service, staffed by well-qualified student and faculty writing specialists, is intended to provide individual writing guidance and feedback.
Writing Center Services: The staff can assist you with the organization of your paper or other problems related to the content of your written work. They are not able to edit or proofread your paper. The service is free of charge.
English Language Program (ELP)
Tel: 215-898-8681
ELP offers daytime and evening courses in conversation skills, writing, grammar, and TOEFL preparation year round and at all levels.
Information Systems & Computing (ISC)
Tel: 215-898-1000
Utilize ISC’s student support directory to find the best resource for technology assistance.
Career Services
Tel: 215-898-7531
Career counselors help students clarify career goals and conduct a good job search, as well as provide help with graduate/professional school applications.
Characteristics of Higher Education in the U.S. and here at Penn
There are certain aspects of higher education here in the US and at Penn that may seem different to higher education in your home country. Familiarize yourself with the following to better prepare yourself for academic life here.
Faculty and Advisors
Relationships between students and faculty tend to be more informal than in many other countries.
- Class Participation: In most classes, students are expected to ask questions or comment on the course material and readings.
- Grading and Class Discussion: In assigning grades, professors may consider the student’s contribution to class discussion during the semester.
- Faculty Office Hours: Almost all faculty members maintain regular office hours when students may come and talk about individual concerns such as: making sure you are meeting course requirements, if you are uncertain about an assignment or if you have questions about the course material.
- Academic Advisors: You will be assisted in many aspects of your education by your academic advisor. It is your responsibility to set up an appointment to meet with him or her.
- Academic Difficulties: It is a good idea to meet with both the professor and your academic advisor at the first sign of difficulty with any class.
- Full Course Load: Because international students must take a full course load every semester, early intervention with academic difficulties is important to help you fulfill your immigration requirements, as well as to be academically successful.
Methods of Instruction
It is important to read all assigned materials and take careful notes on the lectures because examinations will be based on both. You are expected to attend all classes and laboratory sessions. Be sure that you are aware of the specific expectations for each of your courses.
Most instruction is organized and conducted in one of three ways: lecture, laboratory, or seminar.
- Lecture: The lecture class is most frequently used at the undergraduate level, particularly for the first two years of study. Lectures are sometimes large and not conducive to discussion. For this reason, a large lecture will often be supplemented with a recitation or laboratory period to permit discussion and/or scientific experimentation.
- Recitation/Laboratory: Often the recitation or lab is conducted by a TA who is a graduate student in the particular discipline. Students are encouraged and expected to ask questions either during the lecture period or during the recitation or laboratory period. If you wish to speak during the question period, feel free to raise your hand.
- Seminar: This is the most common form of instruction at the graduate level. These classes are generally smaller, permitting opportunities for direct student participation and closer interaction with professors.
Exams usually fall into three categories: quizzes, midterms, and finals. Most professors will announce the format of the exams and the material they will cover.
- Quizzes These are short tests covering the material currently being studied. The instructor may or may not notify you in advance.
- Midterm Exams These are exams given approximately midway through the course of a class.
- Final Exams “Finals” are given at the end of the semester and may cover all the material studied during the semester or only those covered since the midterm. The requirements for each class vary
Exams can be presented in various formats. Their content is at the discretion of the professor and may be:
- “objective,” such as multiple choices or short answer questions
- “essay,” which involves writing longer explanatory essays based on information in texts, lectures and assigned readings.
- “open-book”, which allows the use of textbooks and notes
- “take-home” exam in which the exam is completed outside of class within a certain time limit
Upper level undergraduate and graduate level exams are generally “essay” type.
Grades are a system for evaluating your academic work. They designate your relative standing in the class and are wholly determined by the instructor’s judgment of your achievement on exams, term papers, class participation, etc. At Penn the following symbols are used in most, but not all, programs:
A Excellent | B Good | C Fair | D Poor | F Failure | I Incomplete |
In graduate school any grade below B is generally considered a poor performance. In a limited number of courses, pass-fail or credit-no credit systems are used.
If, for unavoidable reasons, you do not complete the work required for a course before the end of the semester, you may request an extension from your professor and ask for an “incomplete” (I) to appear on your transcript.
- Requesting an Incomplete: You should make this request as soon as it becomes clear that you cannot complete the coursework.
- Understanding Incomplete Policies: You will need to speak with your professor and your school’s academic office to learn the rules regarding “incomplete” and the amount of time available to finish the course.
- Professor’s Discretion on Incomplete: A professor can refuse to grant you an “incomplete.”
- Checking with ISSS Before Requesting: In addition, before you request an “incomplete” check with ISSS to make sure that it will not cause a problem with your immigration status.
General Suggestions
- Avoid Overloading: Don’t overload your schedule. Overloading your schedule, particularly in your first semester, may result in poorer grades and unnecessary stress. But remember that international students must be registered for full-time course load every semester.
- Choose your courses wisely: Ask your advisors, professors and fellow students for their opinions.
- Adjusting to Academic Expectations: Keep in mind that it may take some time for you to perform to the best of your ability.
- Communicating with Professors: Make arrangements ahead of time with your professor to deal with any special requests and circumstances.
- Attend your classes regularly and arrive on time.
- Hand in all assignments on time
- Participate in classroom discussion.
Glossary of Academic Terms
We recommend that you take some time to review the relevant lingo provided below to help you better navigate the academic landscape here at Penn.
- Academic adviser: A faculty member appointed to assist students in the planning of their academic programs
- Assignment: Out-of-class work required by a professor, due at a certain time
- Audit: Attending a course with permission of the professor but not for credit
- Bursar: Office in charge of payment of tuition and bills
- Carrel: An enclosed desk in the library reserved by students and faculty doing research
- Comps: Comprehensive exams which must be passed before receiving a doctoral degree
- CU: Course unit
- Dean: University administrator, usually a senior faculty member, who heads a school
- Dissertation: A scholarly independent research study required to obtain a doctoral degree
- Add/Drop Form: Form used to change courses after registration
- Finals: Examinations at the end of a semester on all the materials covered
- Flunk: To fail a course
- GPA: Grade point average, maximum of 4.0 (where A=4, B=3, etc.)
- GRE: Graduate Record Exam
- Humanities: Studies of human culture such as music, languages, and literature
- Incomplete: A temporary mark given to a student who is doing passing work in a course but cannot complete all the requirements during the semester
- Leave of absence: Authorized leave from the University. International students are required either to leave the US or to change their status when taking a leave of absence.
- Major: Area of concentration or study
- Matriculation: Enrollment in a degree program
- Mid-term: A test in the middle of the semester
- Natural sciences: Studies of the properties of nature such as mathematics, physics, geology, and astronomy
- Pass/Fail: No letter grade is given for a course taken “pass/fail”
- Path@Penn: Your main hub for information about your academic records, financial aid, and student profile.
- Permit: Permission given by some departments to enter certain courses
- Preregistration form: A form filled out prior to the beginning of a semester to ensure course selections
- Prerequisite: A requirement that must be fulfilled before permission is given for enrollment in a particular course
- Quiz: Test given during the semester
- Recitation: Class session, usually headed by a teaching assistant, where students discuss and ask questions about the materials presented in the lecture or reading assignments
- Registrar: Official recorder of students’ academic information, such as courses taken and grades received
- Reserve: Books, usually required readings for a course, that are taken out of general circulation and put aside and are available in the Rosengarten Room of the Van Pelt Library
- SAT: Scholastic Aptitude Test, for college admission
- Semester: One academic term, which is half of the academic year. Penn has two semesters: “fall” and “spring”
- Seminar: A small class which demands a high level of student participation
- Skim: To read something quickly to get a general idea of its contents
- Social sciences: Studies of the interactions of people in society, such as economics and political science
- Submatriculate: Simultaneous enrollment in a graduate and undergraduate program
- Summer School: Two six-week sessions are offered every summer
- Thesis: A scholarly research paper required to obtain a master’s degree
- TOEFL: Test of English as a Foreign Language
- Transcript: Official record of past grades and courses taken by a student