Tax Information and ITIN
Important Reminders
- Deadline: The tax filing deadline for the 2025 tax season (for income earned between 1 January 2024 and 31 December 2024) is April 15, 2025.
- ISSS Email Notification: ISSS will send an email in late February with information on accessing Sprintax in order to fulfill your tax obligations.
- Penalties for Non-Compliance: Failure to file can lead to penalties and fines as well as complications when applying for U.S. visas in the future.
- Tax Webinar: Participate in a tax webinar hosted by our partner Sprintax to ask questions and get an overview of international students’ and scholars’ tax filing obligations
- Final Session: Friday, Mar 21st, 2025 @ 10:00am
Sprintax Tax Webinar 2025 – University of Pennsylvania Exclusive Content
International Student/Employee Tax Guide
This International Student/Employee Tax Guide is prepared Penn’s Office of Corporate Tax, Compliance, and Payroll.
Advisory Limitations: The Office of Corporate Tax, Compliance, and Payroll of the University of Pennsylvania is prohibited from advising any faculty, staff, or student regarding preparation of individual tax returns. Any tax information included in this guide is not intended or written to be used by the taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding taxes or any penalties that may be imposed on the taxpayer by any governmental taxing authority or agency. Individuals should seek tax advice from an independent tax advisor to address questions based on their personal circumstances.
Disclaimer: ISSS does NOT have the expertise to advise on tax matters.
Restrictions on Assistance: International Student & Scholar Services (ISSS) and the school are NOT permitted to assist any student/scholar with any IRS tax form preparation or tax related questions. The information provided is intended for your benefit. Any questions or concerns should be directed to Sprintax, a certified tax preparer or a local IRS field office.
Who must file tax forms for 2025 tax season?
If you were physically in the U.S. in F or J status anytime between January 1 – December 31, 2024, you are obligated to submit Form 8843 to Internal Revenue Service (IRS), the US tax agency, even if you had no income. Form 8843 instructions can be found here.
Filing Threshold For Tax Return: If you earn $1 of US source income or greater, you may need to file a federal tax return with the IRS. Depending on your individual circumstances, you may also need to file a state tax return(s).
Resident or Non-Resident Status for Federal Tax Purposes
Resident or Non-Resident Status for Federal Tax Purposes: Generally, most international students & scholars who are on F, J, M or Q visas are considered non-residents for tax purposes. International undergraduate students on J1 & F1 visas are automatically considered non-resident for their first 5 calendar years in the US, whilst Scholars/Researchers on J visas are automatically considered non-residents for 2 out of the last 6 calendar years in the US.
Substantial Presence Test: If you’ve been in the US for longer than the 5 or 2 year periods, the Substantial Presence Test will determine your tax residency.
How to File Your Non-Resident Tax Forms (F and J)
We have teamed up with Sprintax to provide you with easy-to-use tax preparation software designed for non-resident students and scholars in the U.S. ISSS is not qualified or allowed to provide individual tax advice.
Sprintax Process: After you login to Sprintax following the instructions detailed in ISSS’s mid-February tax email, it will ask you a series of questions about the time you have spent in the United States and in which immigration status, looking back over a period of years. Sprintax will then determine your tax status. If it determines that you are a “nonresident alien” (NRA) for federal tax purposes, you can continue to use it to respond to a series of guided questions. Sprintax will complete and generate the forms you need to print, sign, and mail to the IRS (Internal Revenue Service). If it determines you are a “resident alien” for federal tax purposes, you won’t be able to continue using the software.
Step by Step Guide
1. Gather the documents you may need for Sprintax
Visa/Immigration information, including form I-20 (F status) or form DS-2019 (J status)
Social Security or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN)
This is not needed if you had no income and the 8843 is the only form you have to file. If you need an ITIN, then Sprintax can help you get one!
This form reports your wage earnings if you worked. If you had more than one employer you should get a W-2 from each employer. It is issued by the end of January for the previous year. Make sure all employers from last year have an up-to-date address for you.
This form is used to report:
- stipend, scholarship, fellowship income and travel grants (not tuition reduction or exemption)
- income covered by a tax treaty
- payment for other types of services (e.g. by the semester as a note-taker)
If you received this type of income, the 1042-S will be mailed to you by March 15th by the payer.
Note: Only non-resident aliens receive this form. If your tax status changes to a resident alien, you will not get a 1042-S. Login to Sprintax to check your tax status if you’re not sure.
U.S. entry and exit dates for current and past visits to the U.S.
In addition to passport stamps, you can review or print your U.S.travel history here.
This form reports miscellaneous income. Can be interest on bank accounts, stocks, bonds, dividends, earning through freelance employment
This form is is NOT needed and can NOT be used for a nonresident tax return because NRAs are not eligible to claim education expense tax credits. For questions regarding Form 1098- T, see this website.
Questions about these documents?
*Please see this website for instructions on how to obtain these forms.
**Please direct any questions related to Form W-2 or Form 1042-S to the Penn Employee Solution Center at 215-898-7372 or email to hcmsolutioncenter@upenn.edu.
2. Follow the Sprintax instructions
If you had No U.S. Income: Sprintax will generate a completed Form 8843 for you and each of your dependents (if you have any).
With U.S. Income: Sprintax will generate your “tax return documents”, including either a 1040NR-EZ or a longer form 1040NR, depending on your circumstances.
3. (With U.S. income only) If required, complete your state tax return
After you finish your federal return, Sprintax will inform you if you need to complete a state tax return. If so, they will give you the option to use Sprintax for an individual fee. However, it is your choice to use them or to do the state tax return on your own. For more information on state and city taxes, please see the relevant headers below.
4. Mail your completed federal and/or state forms to IRS and/or state tax authorities
Remember to read the mailing instructions that Sprintax provides. If you have dependents, each one must mail their 8843 in a separate envelope.
Pennsylvania State Taxes
The State of Pennsylvania treats U.S. Citizens and Foreign Nationals exactly the same for tax purposes.
Resident vs. Non-Resident Status: Your resident or non-resident tax status for Pennsylvania State Tax purposes is NOT THE SAME as your resident or non-resident tax status for federal income tax purposes. Determining your resident or non-resident tax status will impact which of your income is taxable.
- You are usually considered a non-resident for Pennsylvania state tax purposes if you were a full-time student for the past tax year.
- If you are a non-resident for Pennsylvania state tax purposes, you must file a Pennsylvania state tax return on Form PA-40 if you earned more than the stated minimum in Pennsylvania taxable income for the year even if no tax is due.
- You are usually considered a resident for Pennsylvania state tax purposes ONLY if you were in Pennsylvania more than 183 days in the calendar year (other than as a student) AND you’ve established a domicile in Pennsylvania.
- Federal tax treaty benefits do not apply to Pennsylvania taxes.
Philadelphia City Wage Taxes
Philadelphia City Tax is a wage tax, not an income tax; that is, it is only applied to your earned income, not to your interest, dividend, or capital gains earnings.
City Tax Requirement: No matter where you live, if you work in Philadelphia, you pay the city wage tax.
City Tax Reporting: There are no forms or reporting to complete. If you worked in Philadelphia during the tax year, your employer automatically deducted your city taxes from your paychecks on behalf of the city.
Need Sprintax Support?
If you need help while using Sprintax for technical or tax related issues, contact them:
- Email at hello@sprintax.com
- Call 1-866-601-5695
Sprintax Educational Tax Videos and Blog
Sprintax Educational Resources: You also have access to the Sprintax YouTube account where there are a number of educational videos on non-resident taxes to provide further clarity on the subject of using Sprintax and non-resident tax.
Sprintax Blog: There is also a Sprintax Blog which go through tax related topics and can be of use to you.
Beware of Scams
IRS Scam Warning: The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) will NEVER contact anyone via email, phone, or fax.
Protecting Your SSN/ITIN: You should not provide your SSN/ITIN to anyone other unless for a legitimate purpose such as employment, banking, or background checks.
IRS Tax Fraud Alert: To learn about potential scams you may encounter, please see the IRS Tax Fraud Alert page.
Individual Tax ID Number (ITIN)
If you do not have a Social Security Number (SSN) but are receiving U.S.-sourced income such as a non-service fellowship, scholarship or grant that goes beyond tuition, fees, and the allowance for books/supplies (for more information, please see this page on the SRFS website), then you may need an Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN) for tax purposes.
The ITIN is a U.S. taxpayer identification number issued by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). It is used to identify individuals who are required to file a tax return but are ineligible for an SSN due to not being employed in the U.S.
You have three options to apply for an ITIN:
1. Apply for an ITIN on your own prior to tax filing season utilizing ISSS ITIN Letter.
You can apply for an ITIN prior to tax filing season utilizing an original letter from an ISSS advisor.
- Log in to iPenn and complete the ITIN Letter Request e-form (please note- this option is not available during tax season. You must utilize option 2 or 3 during tax season)
- Attach copies of your passport, visa (Canadian and Bermudian passport holders are exempt from this requirement), I-20 or DS-2019, proof of scholarship, fellowship, or grant, and completed W-7 form. Instructions for completing the W-7 are available in the e-form.
- Schedule a document pick-up appointment with ISSS to present your original immigration documents as required by the IRS and to collect your letter.
- Compile all required documents and mail ITIN application to the following address via USPS mail:
Internal Revenue Service
ITIN Operations
P.O. Box 149342
Austin, TX 78714-9342
2. Utilize Sprintax services to apply for an ITIN along with your federal tax filing (fees apply).
ISSS has teamed up with Sprintax to help you file your taxes, and they can also assist you with the ITIN application. When filing your tax returns with Sprintax, you should choose the Sprintax assistance for the ITIN and a Form W-7 will be prepared (Sprintax fee applies). Please note that you will be required to obtain a certified copy of your passport if you choose this option. You cannot use an ISSS letter when applying for an ITIN alongside your tax return.
The copy of your passport must be certified by one of the following:
- Certified Acceptance Agent or IRS official
- The United States Embassy or Consulate (be sure to book prior to your visit)
- The governmental department that issues the identification document
3. File your application through an IRS Taxpayer Assistance Center.
You can file your application in person at select IRS locations:
- Some IRS Taxpayer Assistance Centers can verify your original passport and return it to you on the spot. There is no need to bring a certified copy.
- The nearest such location from Penn is located on 600 Arch St. Philadelphia (view on Google Maps). Call 844-544-5640 for appointments (required). Or, you can search for a location that is more convenient for you.
Visit IRS webpages listed below for further guidance.
- How to submit ITIN application (https://www.irs.gov/individuals/how-do-i-apply-for-an-itin)
- How to fill out Form W-7 (https://www.irs.gov/instructions/iw7)
If you choose to file your ITIN application without utilizing one of the above options, please note that either a certified copy of your passport or your original passport is required to apply. Due to the risks associated with mailing in your passport, ISSS recommends submitting a certified copy of your passport instead.
Plan ahead as you are likely to be required to make an appointment to appear in person to submit your request. Your embassy/consulate in the U.S. may be able to issue certified copies of your passport. Inquire them for instructions on how to obtain one.
Additional Resources
- Penn Student Financial Services website for International student and Tax: https://srfs.upenn.edu/financial-aid/international-taxes
- Other US Tax Forms: Download forms from the Internal Revenue Service.
- Pennsylvania Tax Forms: Download forms from the PA Department of Revenue.
- Income Tax Treaties: Full texts of tax treaties between the US and foreign countries and the related US Treasury Department Technical Explanation on the IRS website.
- UPenn Office of the Comptroller/ Payroll
Social Security (FICA) Taxes Overview
FICA Tax Exemption:
Recovering Wrongly Withheld FICA Taxes
FICA Tax Withholding Errors: Occasionally Social Security tax is withheld in error. If your employer has already wrongly withheld Social Security taxes, you should ask the employer to refund the taxes to you.
Employer FICA Refund Process: The employer can deduct the amount refunded to you from the company’s next Social Security tax payment to the Internal Revenue Service and no further action is required from you.
Requesting a Social Security Tax Refund from the IRS: If your employer unable to stop withholding or refund you Social Security taxes, you may obtain a Social Security tax refund from the Internal Revenue Service (a process that can take more than six months) by preparing the following documents and mailing the application directly to the IRS at Internal Revenue Service Center, Austin, TX 73301 :