Penn alum named 2024 Churchill Scholar

By: Penn Today

Xander Uyttendaele, a 2023 graduate, is among 16 selected nationwide to receive the scholarship.

A 2023 graduate of the University of Pennsylvania’s School of Engineering and Applied Science, Xander Uyttendaele has been awarded a Churchill Scholarship for a year of graduate research study at the University of Cambridge in England.

Uyttendaele, from Seattle, is among 16 students or recent graduates selected nationwide who will receive full funding for a one-year master’s degree at Churchill College at Cambridge. He plans to pursue a master’s degree (MASt) in applied mathematics.

The scholarship is considered one of the most prestigious and competitive international fellowships available to American students planning graduate study in the United Kingdom. Churchill Scholars are chosen from select U.S. universities in the disciplines of science, mathematics, and engineering.

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