Charlie Dent

Former Congressman, Pennsylvania (R)


After 14 years in the Pennsylvania House and Senate, Charlie Dent served seven terms in Congress from a district in eastern and south-central Pennsylvania. He was a longtime member of the House Appropriations Committee, chairing subcommittees on Military Construction and Veterans Affairs, and served for two years as chairman of the Ethics Committee. He was also co-chair of the Tuesday Group, a caucus of center-right Republicans, and a member of the Majority Leader’s Chairman’s Table. 

These days, Dent is Vice President and Executive Director of the Aspen Institute Congressional program, where he leads bipartisan, bicameral policy education programs for sitting members of Congress. A frequent political commentator on CNN and other media outlets, Dent is also a senior policy adviser to the DLA Piper Law firm and a distinguished advisor for the Pew Charitable Trust. Previously, he was a visiting fellow at Perry World House at Penn.