Turning Point
By: Josh Pontrelli, Penn Abroad Global Programs Manager

For Camille Ducorps, spending one year on exchange at Penn was a “turning point” in her life.
Coming from the Institute of Political Studies in Paris (Sciences Po), Camille, who now works as a leadership trainer and group facilitator, said that she continues to use the knowledge gained from her courses at Penn every day. “While at Penn, my dream was to manage and organize election campaigns.” This dream was only bolstered by her professor in political communication, former Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell, who lectured on digital communications, get-out-the-vote efforts, and how former President Obama was elected – and who even helped Camille arrange a visit to the White House.
After returning to France following her exchange during the 2009-10 academic year, she worked in politics but decided that career wasn’t what she wanted. “I still wanted to have an impact on society. All of the social psychology and communications courses that I took [at Penn] helped me to become a communication consultant. Now, I’ve built my own tools to become a life coach and help people understand their emotions.”
Camille also draws on her time at Penn, during which she worked with an adviser who helped her grow, in her current career. “Starting a new life in a new environment where people don’t know you gave me the liberty to be myself,” she said. “I was grateful to have somebody to talk to and help accept who I was and become more confident in myself.” Because of her adviser, she said she achieved “great balance” at Penn. “It was one of the best years of my life. I made some of my best friends there – some French, some American. In fact, four American friends went to my wedding last year,” she said. Camille, who has a six-week-old son, is looking forward to virtual and in-person play dates with one of her best friends from the United States who will be having a baby in November 2020.
She recalls “feeling like a princess” when she was welcomed during New Student Orientation, which includes annual welcome events for new students at the Philadelphia Museum of Art and Penn Museum. While she misses the fraternity parties, travel across the United States, and free food during events, she encourages future exchange students to take advantage of their opportunities. “[Before you arrive], learn about the cultural cues. Integrate and find Americans curious about the world – there are many and not too hard to find. Get involved with organizations. Go to sporting events,” she said. “Take the opportunity to get to know yourself, then go out of your comfort zone. It’s the best way to meet people.”