By: Olivia Meuser, CAS ’22

Nursing Research in Dublin – Ireland

As a rising senior who did not get an abroad experience because of COVID-19, I decided to apply to a GRIP program. Luckily, GRIP offered many programs that I was interested in, but I felt particularly drawn to  Trinity College Dublin’s research programs. As a Public Health major with a minor in psychology, I do not have much experience in nursing, so I knew this was a slightly different direction for me to take. However, the many research options along with my desire to continue learning from an abroad perspective made me curious enough to apply. I am very glad I did because I am now interning with Agnes Higgins, a professor in Mental Health at Trinity College Dublin working on a systematic review of peer support for bereavement after suicide. I have always had an interest in Mental Health and have taken a few courses at Penn that led me to this, but this opportunity has allowed me to gain even more hands-on knowledge about the subject.

Leading up to this internship, I was a little nervous as to how this would look online. When I first applied to GRIP, I expected to be in person, but that quickly changed to a virtual format. While I would have loved the opportunity to travel to Dublin and be immersed in the culture, I am glad that I am still able to get this experience and learn in a virtual format. Luckily, everyone I have met from across the Atlantic has been extremely helpful and welcoming, emphasizing that they hope all the interns get the best experience they can even if it is all online. My first week began with an introduction to the teams that I will be working with, the other interns from Penn in the program, and the literature surrounding the topic I will soon be immersed in. While I did not know any of the other interns beforehand, we quickly exchanged numbers and have been able to talk to each other about our respective work. Along with this, Professor Higgins has been helping me set up meetings with professionals in the mental health space in Ireland so I can get the “full Irish experience” as if it were in person. This has gone very well so far, and I am excited to meet more people and learn about Irish culture and mental health practices even if it is from my room in Philadelphia. So far, I have definitely noticed differences from the U.S. and I am excited to see what else is out there!

The Global Research and Internship Program (GRIP) provides outstanding undergraduate and graduate students the opportunity to intern or conduct research abroad for 8 to 12 weeks over the summer. Participants gain career-enhancing experience and global exposure that is essential in a global workforce. Placements and funding awards are available.

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