By: Sarai Adams, Wharton ’26

GRIP: Business in Sydney

I bet you never could have imagined you would be flying half way across the world to live in a country you have never been to for two months with a group of people you basically know nothing about while interning for a job that could dictate the career path you claimed you wanted for almost 2 years now. Now that mouthful has been said I would also like to say that is exactly what you did. And despite the anxiety, excitement, and uncertainty you had at the beginning of May, this trip undoubtedly changed your life by allowing you to grow in a completely new environment, experience amazing things like bungee jumping or flying out of an airplane, and meet some spectacular people.

Bungee jumping in New ZealandI know you’re wondering about your internship. But instead of getting yourself worked up I wish you would know ahead of time how helpful your supervisors will be during your time there. They will guide you and show you the nuances of Australian work culture compared to that of the States. Take advantage of the opportunity to speak to as many people as possible and hear about their work experiences. Learn as much as you can from your peers and executives because of how easy they are to talk to. Don’t be afraid to ask those questions you have because you don’t know something or you are just curious. And like in any job there will be challenges and times where you have to think on your feet but these will only help you grow.

If I could talk to you before you leave for this 22 hour plane ride to Australia I would tell you that you might only have this one chance so take it. I know you’re nervous about being so far away from home for the summer. But when are you going to be able to experience this again? Like the time you impulsively signed up for skydiving but it ended up being the most exhilarating experience of your life. Or the time you went snorkeling in the Great Barrier Reef. At the end of the day sometimes you may only get that one shot to do something, especially while living abroad. So I suggest you get out of your comfort zone, speak to as many people to hear about their experiences, and try as much as you can because who knows when you can again.

The Global Research and Internship Program (GRIP) provides outstanding undergraduate and graduate students the opportunity to intern or conduct research abroad for 8 to 12 weeks over the summer. Participants gain career-enhancing experience and global exposure that is essential in a global workforce.

GRIP Program Information