Exploring Culture and Careers in Vietnam
By: Vivi Sankar, CAS ’27

Nuoa.io Company Lunch
GRIP: Sustainable Development in Ho Chi Minh City

This summer, I found myself embarking on an unexpected yet transformative journey to Vietnam. Arriving in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam was an adventure in itself. The city’s energy was infectious, and my colleagues at Nuoa.io welcomed me with open arms, making my transition smoother than I could have imagined. The vibrant atmosphere, coupled with a supportive team, set a positive tone for my internship.
From the moment I arrived, my colleagues at Nuoa.io made me feel at home, easing the initial anxieties of navigating a new culture. These first days were filled with a mix of awe and learning, as I quickly became immersed in both the professional and cultural life of the city.
At Nuoa.io, my main project has been analyzing how U.S. policies and elections could influence international climate change standards. This work is crucial as it navigates the global market, aiming to align its strategies with emerging environmental regulations. My role involves researching potential policy shifts, preparing detailed reports, and suggesting insights to help the company stay ahead in the sustainability space.
Amongst other projects, I also had the opportunity to delve into carbon capture technologies, leveraging my background in biochemistry. This involved producing a report on current advancements and potential future developments in the field, which was both challenging and rewarding. The experience allowed me to combine my scientific knowledge with practical applications, enhancing my understanding of how innovative technologies can play a role in mitigating climate change.
In particular, one of the highlights of my time here has been the team lunches. These moments have been more than just a break from work; they’ve been a gateway to understanding Vietnamese culture, especially through its cuisine. Sharing meals with my colleagues has introduced me to a variety of local dishes, from Pho to Bun Cha to Che, and taught me about the importance of food in bringing people together. The rich flavors and communal dining experience have made these lunches a memorable part of my internship.
Interestingly, my journey to Vietnam was not the only path available to me this summer. I had the option to stay in the U.S., with opportunities ranging from conducting chemistry research in Philadelphia to interning at a law office in Chicago. However, the allure of exploring a new country and the chance to contribute to a company with strong values like Nuoa.io drew me to Vietnam. This choice, as it turns out, was a rewarding decision.
Reflecting on my journey, I’m proud of my ability to adapt to a new environment and contribute meaningfully to the team. The mentorship I received has been invaluable, guiding my professional development and boosting my confidence. My internship at Nuoa.io has not only equipped me with critical skills but also deepened my appreciation for cross-cultural interactions and the global nature of sustainability challenges.
Choosing Nuoa.io has been a leap into the unknown that has paid off in ways I could not have imagined. It has reinforced my commitment to sustainability and clarified my career goals, making this summer one of growth and discovery. This summer has been a journey of discovery, both of a new culture and of my own capabilities, and it has profoundly shaped my career aspirations. As I look to the future, I carry with me the lessons and memories from this incredible experience, ready to embrace whatever comes next.
The Global Research and Internship Program (GRIP) provides outstanding undergraduate and graduate students the opportunity to intern or conduct research abroad for 8 to 12 weeks over the summer. Participants gain career-enhancing experience and global exposure that is essential in a global workforce.