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Starting Out

By: Sophia Bagg, CAS ’23 Sophia working with the board of OWIT UK. OWIT – United Kingdom I first applied to VIA hoping for an international opportunity, knowing that the pandemic had made it extremely difficult to travel and engage fully with the international community. VIA presented the perfect chance for me to engage with…

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Connecting Universities Globally with Sprout

By: Hailey Steinberg, Wharton ’24 Sprout Academy – Cape Town, South Africa My experience in the VIA program thus far has been extremely positive and a rewarding learning experience. I decided to pursue this internship because of the flexibility it affords interns. While working as a business development intern for the Sprout Academy in Cape…

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Diving Right In

By: Monserrat Diaz Martinez, Wharton ’22 A polaroid of Monserrat on the “Wall Of Members” at the coworking space where she is doing her internship this summer. Your People Are Your Power – London, United Kingdom The first week and a half of my Penn VIA experience have been amazing. This summer, I am interning at…

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Humanities and Social Sciences Student Highlights

By: Erin Feeney, Penn Abroad Graduate Assistant Mercedes Chavez (center) in Sydney, Australia Global experiences in the fields of humanities and social sciences can provide key opportunities for students to gain hands-on experience and apply their knowledge and skills in a new context. Through the Global Research & Internship Program (GRIP), Penn students from across…

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Unexpected Opportunity

By: Diego Noriega, Wharton ’23 If you had told me when I started my internship that I would end up interviewing a famous author and psychology expert whose work has been featured in Good Morning America, USA Today, Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Time, NPR and many other media outlets…

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Stepping Outside of My Comfort Zone

By: Amy Xia, Nursing ’22 After COVID-19 affected my original plan to intern in Beijing, China, where I ended up was not what I had in mind when I first hit that “submit application” button back in late December. After some contemplation though, I realized that wasn’t a bad thing. In my virtual internship, I worked with Korean pharmaceutical company DongSung…

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Virtual Community Development

By: Toya Liu, Wharton ’23 Traveling to other countries has always been a wonderful experience for me. I’ve looked forward to family vacations for the opportunity to explore different cultural monuments and taste incredible ethnic dishes, but I have never traveled outside the country alone before. Thus, I was more than excited to have learned in early spring that I…

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Discovering New Possibilities

By: Jacob Robbins, CAS ’22 In some ways, the remote nature of my internship has made it even more of a global experience than it would have been in person. If I were interning at Solar Latam, an Argentinian solar installation start-up, in-person, my responsibilities would be limited to Latin America. I would be conducting market research,…

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Doing Global Good From Home

By: Megan Everts, CAS ’21 When I studied abroad in Seoul during the first semester of my junior year, I became fascinated by the history of Korea and wanted to delve more deeply into the issues the region is facing. While of course, it would have been great to return to South Korea in the…

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Unique Summer “Abroad”

By: Shelby Dugas, Wharton ’23 A 10-week experience abroad in the beautiful and culturally-rich city of Medellín, Colombia? Yes, that would have been ideal. Instead, I spent a safe, educational, and productive summer at home in Dallas, Texas. Although I was initially disappointed in trading a summer of discovery and growth in a Spanish speaking…