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Surveys and Subtleties

By: Amanda He The Trinity Centre for Ageing and Intellectual Disability! During my weeks researching at the Trinity Center for Aging and Intellectual Disability (TCAID), I’ve been able to learn quite a bit about the different ways that research is conducted. One such aspect of research that I’ve been able to learn about and see…

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Home Away from Home

By: Amanda Moore Amanda at the Cliffs of Moher When faced with the decision on housing in Dublin for my summer GRIP research placement, I weighed the options of independent living vs. a homestay. I originally preferred the idea of living on my own, but I warmed to the idea of a homestay after my…

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The Importance of Nursing Research

By: Amanda Moore The view of the Irish Sea   As my time in Dublin comes to a close, I am beginning to reflect back on my internship experience with Trinity College Dublin’s School of Nursing. I had the opportunity to spend 8 weeks supporting a project focused on implementing palliative care into the intensive…

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Stepping outside the Centre

By: Stefan Hatch Most of my weekends this summer were spent on trips to nearby countries or hanging out in the busier, central parts of Singapore. With so many malls and easily accessible attractions, it’s possible to spend weeks in Singapore without leaving the middle part of the city. I realized I was boxing myself…

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Things Left Behind and Things Taken Home

By: Wei-An Jin Gardens by the Bay in Singapore 5 INCHES OF HAIR (left behind, on the floor of a hair salon by Raffles City) They say to cut your hair for a fresh start, but in truth, I did it because I can’t stand feeling hair strands all sweat-slick sticky against the back of…

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A wise man climbs Mt. Fuji Once

By: Bruno Basner Sometimes random thoughts can seem foolish, but occasionally, a seemingly silly idea can lead to lifelong memories. One such instance occurred on a random July day in Tokyo. “Hey, we should climb Mt. Fuji.” “WE SHOULD TOTALLY CLIMB MOUNT FUJI!” Never mind the complete lack of hiking experience or the embarrassing lack…

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Looking Back on my Time in Singapore

By: Simon Lee When I first packed my bags and left the familiar comforts of the USA for an internship in Singapore, I knew I was in for an adventure. My time here has been full of pleasant surprises and unexpected challenges. One of the most delightful discoveries has been my newfound love for nighttime…

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Colombia Placement = Amazing Opportunities

By: Juan Lopez Group of Interns in Santa Marta Coming into the Global Research and Internship Program (GRIP), my only expectation of Medellín was the high temperature it’s known for. The first week hit me hard: I knew fewer than 5 people, I was told I had 7 AM to 5 PM workdays and on…

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You can’t buy happiness but you can buy a ticket to Singapore

By: Cindy Su This past summer was a whirlwind of experiences—humid, vibrant, unexpected, liberating, adventurous, spontaneous, tiring, exhilarating, and incredibly fulfilling. It was filled with incredible food, even more incredible people, and countless iced kopis (just $1 compared to the $5 Starbucks vanilla sweet cream cold brew, and so much more flavorful). As someone who…

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A Summer in Singapore at NUS

By: Chloe Ng Participating in the GRIP program in Singapore through the SERIUS program at NUS was an incredible experience that allowed me to conduct research in a new country, opening doors to new learning opportunities and providing me with a unique global perspective. Engaging in research in a different environment pushed me to adapt…