GRIP, Internships Abroad Flat Whites and Fashion

July 18, 2022
By Haerin So, Wharton '25

Business in Sydney

Living abroad for the first time has easily been one of the best chapters in my life. I’ve truly fallen in love with Sydney and have found two of my simple pleasures—coffee and fashion—all throughout the city with their unique cultural differences.

Aussies take great pride in their coffee; they love to take credit for the creation of the Flat White. As someone who feels incomplete without aCollage of flat white art from my favorite coffee shops all throughout Sydney and Melbourne. cup of coffee in hand every morning, I’ve been able to taste some of the best coffee I’ve ever had all over Sydney and even in Melbourne and Cairns. One surprising fact is the menu reads very differently from American coffee shops. For example, an iced coffee in Australia is actually espresso with vanilla ice cream on top, and flat whites most usually resemble the latte we’re familiar with in the US! From observing the different cultures around coffee shops in Sydney, I’ve gathered that coffee is a prized ritual for many and people are extremely loyal to their favorite cafes. In fact, it’s a very personalized experience. My fellow GRIP colleague Katie and I had been to Cafe Abercrombie, a local cafe by our workplace, twice before the owner already knew our orders. Baristas are often very chatty and have no trouble starting conversations with strangers. On my walk this morning to my favorite spot—a tiny, colorful cafe named Something for Jess—I reflected on how I’m definitely going to miss this wholesome ritual that has easily become my favorite part of the day.

Another fascinating avenue for the cultural difference is fashion; I love fashion because it’s one of the most convenient forms of self-expression. I remember when we went grocery shopping after we landed in Sydney (the closest grocery store/supermarkets are actually located in a nearby mall) I was shocked at how well-dressed everyone was! Streetwear is very prevalent throughout Sydney and different neighborhoods will have their own distinctive looks. I’ve loved walking through shopping centers and malls to explore Australian brands I hadn’t heard of before. There’s also a large thrifting scene in Australia; some of the best pieces I’ve found are from weekend markets in Glebe and Bondi. One thing I appreciate is that the fashion I’ve seen seems to be a melting pot of different cultures and areas of the world. My watchlist of clothing and accessories I see and want to buy or thrift gets alarmingly bigger every single day!

I have yet to experience summer in Australia where I can only begin to imagine the newest warm weather trends and the taste of a refreshing iced coffee at the beach—but it’s all just more reasons to come back.

The Global Research and Internship Program (GRIP) provides outstanding undergraduate and graduate students the opportunity to intern or conduct research abroad for 8 to 12 weeks over the summer. Participants gain career-enhancing experience and global exposure that is essential in a global workforce.