Documenting Your Experience
As you go abroad you are likely to have many firsts, new experiences, and exciting opportunities. For many students, the experience of going abroad has a significant impact on their career, academic, and personal development. While you are encouraged to disconnect and enjoy every moment to the fullest, documenting your experience can also be a great way to reflect on your time and look back on your own development.
- Keep a Journal – whether you make brief notes or spend more time detailing each day, your thoughts are worth taking note of. Looking back once you return to Penn can be a great way to remember and take stock of your accomplishments and growth.
- Record Photos & Videos – we are all drawn to capture famous sites and vistas, but photos and videos can also be great tools for reflection and remembering the more everyday experiences and moments. Looking to improve your photos and videos? Check out our quick tips guide.
Sharing Your Experience
We are looking for students to share their experiences, stories, and challenges from abroad.
Sharing your experience encourages and prepares other Penn students as they weigh the benefits of going abroad. Join us as we highlight and expand Penn’s global community!
- Follow us on social media – find us @pennabroad on Instagram, X, and Facebook. Use the hashtag #wherewillpenntakeyou in your photos and videos and they could be featured in our feeds (we’ll ask you first)! If you have private accounts, you can also direct message images you want to share.
- Send us your photos and videos – you can send your content to us directly by email, Penn Box, or other file-sharing platforms. Email Penn Abroad’s Marketing & Events Manager, Camille Cropley at ccropley@upenn.edu to share or if you have questions about submitting content.
- Returning to Penn – there are also opportunities to share your experience once you have returned to Penn. Look out for announcements about our annual video contest, ambassador program, and other calls for submissions.
Submit a Blog
Share your stories and tips on the Penn Abroad Blog
General guidelines:
- Each blog must be at least 400 words.
- The blog must contain at least one photo. We welcome you to submit additional photos or videos!
- Photos and videos help to tell the story and show others what you are seeing and experiencing. Including a photo of yourself abroad is encouraged.
- Include captions for each your photos along with your blog text
Don’t forget to tag us in your photos @pennabroad and use our hashtag #wherewillpenntakeyou to share your photos and videos.