Penn Global welcomes faculty proposals for PGRI funding and support that meet the following requirements:
Institutes must engage undergraduate student researchers from across schools and disciplines. Institute projects may also engage graduate student researchers when appropriate, though undergraduate researchers should make up a majority of each cohort. Cohorts typically range from 5 – 7 students per year.
Student contributions to the institute’s research, fieldwork, and outputs are prioritized in the institute’s mission.
The institute and its related research activities must be directed or co-directed by a Penn faculty member who serves as the Principal Investigator (P.I.).
Fieldwork activities must be based in a host community outside of the United States and its territories and should address critical global issues that are relevant and meaningful within the host community.
Research projects should be collaborative with members of the host community and designed in a way that is responsive to the specific goals, needs, and circumstances of the host region.
Research projects should be designed for long-term engagement, and thus each project should be multi-year in scope.
Project P.I. should provide a structure for ongoing student support, guidance, and mentorship for the full duration of each cohort of student researchers.