Recognizing the Class of 2019

By: Penn Abroad

Congratulations to the class of 2019! We are especially proud to congratulate and recognize the graduates of the class who served as ambassadors and have contributed to Penn Abroad’s mission of providing every Penn student with a meaningful global experience. We look forward to seeing what these global citizens will accomplish in their communities and around the world:

Esther Adeyemi Andres Fernandez Pallares Matt Schofield
Bryan Alonso Katie Fink Eric Selzer
Bryan Anderson-Wooten Shreya Ganguly Raisa Shah
Natalie Bahmandeji Andrea Gomez Areeba Shaikh
Lara Balikci Liat Greenwood Naomi Shapiro
Julia Barr Elisabeth Hyde Claire Shoyer
Makeda Barr-Brown Noah Katcher Sophia Simon
Annie Batsaikhan Shivani Komma Cameron Stadlin
Gretchen Bednarz Peter Lenchur Pearl Subramanian
Brittany Bing Sarah Marron Danielle Swanson
Elisheva Blas Vanessa Moody Mary Tilyou
Elana Burack Quan Quan Nguyen Sam Trossman
Lydia Chen David Pang Cecilia Wang
Osiris Childs Joseph Pelham Ming Zhang
Zixin (Michelle) Deng Rebecca Pels Yuan Zou
Erica Dienes Katherine Putnam  
Kathleen Eng Risha Rohera  

Bold – Penn Abroad Leaders