Recognizing the Class of 2021

By: Penn Abroad

Congratulations to the class of 2021! We are especially proud to congratulate and recognize the graduates of the class who served as ambassadors and have contributed to Penn Abroad’s mission of providing every Penn student with a meaningful global experience. As we celebrate, join us in looking back on their travels abroad, the people they met, and the incredible experiences they had along the way. We look forward to seeing what these global citizens will accomplish in their communities and around the world.

Sardar Asfandyar Cheema      Suzan Kim                               Neelima Paleti                      
Juliann Barbella Maryanne Koussa Catherine Parr
Maddie Blake Daria Kulakova Cristina Pogorevici
Mercedes Chavez Kristine Lai Allie Schlager
Sheryl Chen Dana Lane Abby Schubert
Laura Chu Sia-Linda Lebbie Grance Seeley
Adriana Discher Angela Lin Ashley Shah
Jenna DiStefano Erin Lomboy Jackie Shi
Jack Elrad Phillip Lopez Robert Sim
Megan Everts Thomas Maggiola Eugenie St John Sutton
Ria Gandhi Cara Mahoney Keren Stearns
Enkhdelger Gantulga Kristen McLaughlin Wilnaphekie Taloute
Beverlye Gedeon Danielle Miles-Langaigne   Tiffany Tsang
Stacey Gerchick Kushal Modi Hyacinthe Uwizera
Emmie Gocke Zoe Moscovici Alia Wallenstrom
Amelia Hammond Matthew Nelson Stanley Wong
Jacqueline Hahn James Nycz Angela Yang
Nora Hennessy Christine Oliva Amy Yeung
Do Hyung Kwon Zoe Osborne Helen Zhang
Madison Jones Mercedes Owens  

Bold – Past or current Penn Abroad Leader

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