Virtual Summer Opportunities

By: Penn Abroad

Each summer, Penn’s campus centers and departments offer exciting internship opportunities for Penn students across schools and programs. Check out these virtual global summer opportunities, which are currently accepting applications for Summer 2021.

Pulitzer Center International Reporting Fellowship: Latin America 
Application Deadline: February 1
Apply to be an International Reporting Student Fellow with the Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting, an award-winning non-profit journalism organization dedicated to supporting in-depth engagement with underreported global affairs. Students who are passionate about journalism and under-reported international issues in Latin America or the Caribbean have the opportunity to complete this virtual fellowship program in Summer 2021. No previous reporting experience required. 

Botswana-UPenn Partnership (BUP) Summer Virtual Internships
Application Deadline: February 10
The Botswana-Upenn Partnership (BUP) facilitates internship opportunities for Penn students outside of the School of Medicine. This year, BUP is offering a virtual Health Informatics Internship with the University of Botswana, Computer Science Department. In this internship, students will support testing, research, implementation, and training activies related to eHealth programs, working closely with partners to adapt to the eHealth projects needs.