Esha Pathi
Wharton ’25
Finance & Management
SA: Ramon Llull University (ESADE)
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Studying in Barcelona was my first time living abroad. Culturally, it was a unique transition because as a South Asian I had to navigate how to feel secure in my identity as a minority. I am also a vegetarian, so in a place where food is the center of culture, I was tasked with finding cuisines that worked for my preferences.
My program was unique in that people don’t live on-campus. I found an apartment in the center of Barcelona and chose to live with someone from Penn and two girls from the University of Southern California. Although it is a bit more challenging to not have the structure of student housing, I am grateful to have met students from a different school and experienced the beauty of Barcelona by living in the city – I felt immersed as a resident. I highly recommend branching out of the Penn bubble by acquainting with students from other schools. I chose not to go abroad with my close friends from Penn because I wanted to meet new people and challenge myself.
Another unique component was that my college campus was around an hour outside of the heart of Barcelona, requiring me to take public transportation to a different town. It initially seemed daunting to have a long commute, but I was incredibly happy with this arrangement. I got to use Barcelona’s great public transportation and go to school in a beautiful town that I otherwise would not have gotten the chance to explore.
My Experience:
My study abroad experience at ESADE in Barcelona was instrumental in broadening my academic and professional perspectives. The courses I took, such as Managing Diversity, Sustainability and Innovation, Marketing Manager, and the Trainee Program provided me with a holistic understanding of how businesses operate and work together across various divisions, including HR, finance, and supply chain management. This exposure was complementary to the management component of my concentration at Wharton. My experience also offered a necessary contrast to my finance concentration by emphasizing soft skills and a big-picture approach.
Moreover, ESADE’s global perspective was crucial in preparing me for a career that will likely involve working with diverse teams across various cities and countries. The experience not only expanded my knowledge but also reinforced my aspiration to understand business from a global standpoint. I had the opportunity to participate in group projects with students from all around the world, and my classes focused on global companies like Pepsi, which have adaptive strategies depending on what country they are operating in. In my class ‘Managing Diversity’, I was tasked with comparing and contrasting diversity initiatives across different countries for various countries. This exposure was only something that I could only get by studying abroad with professors who have first-hand seen the impact of business decisions in European corporations.
Finally, I met incredible people – both American and international students – during my time abroad allowing me to expand my network, fulfilling my main professional goal.
Other Highlights:
- Sant Jordi day was a holiday that I got to experience in Barcelona. Everyone is on the streets giving out roses and books to commemorate the death of Saint George, a symbol in Catalonia. This day was filled with so much joy.
- Getting to experience Spanish culture – I saw Gaudi’s work including La Sagrada Familia, Park Guell, Casa Batllo, and more. I was able to see how intricate his work was across Barcelona. I also got to experience tapas culture where I enjoyed patatas bravas, pan con tomate, and more small servings that I ate with large groups. Finally, I went to an FC Barcelona game. Futbol is the heart and soul of Barcelona so it was incredible to experience the energy of the game.
- My program allowed me to become friends with so many international students. Through all our group projects, I got to learn from others about their hometowns, learning styles, and perspectives on the world. I have never been in such a diverse community the way I was while at ESADE. I still keep in touch with some of the students that I met.
- I visited cities that I never thought I would get to see – Prague, Budapest, and Amsterdam being a few. Just being able to observe the history, architecture, and culture of all these cities was amazing. I was in awe at so many sites and am so grateful that I got to see so many different parts of the world.