Kate Barnes
CAS ’25
PGS: Sustainable Development and Culture in Latin America
Kate is a senior in the College triple majoring in Political Science, Latin American & Latinx Studies, and Hispanic Studies, with minors in International Development, Anthropology, and Survey Research & Data Analytics. At the end of the Fall 2024 semester, she will be traveling to Costa Rica as a component of Sustainable Development and Culture in Latin America, a Penn Global Seminar course taught by Dr. Teresa Giménez. Growing up in a Hispanic community in West Palm Beach, Florida, Kate is excited to travel to Latin America for the first time to learn firsthand about the ways in which economic development influences cultural resilience in Costa Rica. On campus, she is on Penn Figure Skating’s competition team, serves on the FGLI Dean’s Advisory Board, and works as a research assistant for PORES, among other activities.
During her trip to Costa Rica, she is especially excited to…
- Enjoy the flora and fauna of Costa Rica’s tropical environment
- Zipline through the tree canopies of Selvatura Park
- Hike through various rainforests with her classmates
- Try authentic Costa Rican cuisine
- Learn about the impacts of both sustainable and unsustainable development projects on local communities
- See firsthand the cultural and economic impacts of coffee production in Latin America