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Skyla Rimple

Contact Ask Me About… My Experience Abroad There was not a single experience we had on this trip that did not align with the coursework and goals of the PGS. When applying for the seminar, I reflected on my passion for sustainability. I come from a small beach town in Massachusetts where I spend a…

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Rayan Jawa

Contact Ask Me About… My Experience Abroad As a freshman, I was interested in exploring different subject areas and expanding my academic and social horizons while fulfilling course requirements. This course allowed me to complete the Writing Seminar requirement in a meaningful way, as I’ve been wanting to travel to Cairo since I was young.…

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Simeon Paek

Contact Ask Me About… “Out of placeness.” I was taking a class on migration in Africa and traveling with no previous experience with Africa. I had only traveled to places where Asians are common and aren’t a rarity, but here in Africa I saw the complete opposite. I got to experience, even more so than…

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Sage Leland

Contact Ask Me About… My Experience Abroad During my internship at Aravind Eye Care through the Center for Advanced Studies of India, I conducted a research project on the eHealth readiness of patients at the Madurai Tertiary Hospital. This experience provided me with valuable insights into the barriers and enablers of utilizing technology in healthcare,…

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Filip Manjevic

Contact Ask Me About… My Experience Abroad My participation in the Global Seminar program in Egypt proved to be an invaluable experience that greatly impacted my academic journey as an international Economics major from Sweden. While exploring the historical palimpsest of Cairo, my interest in history was reignited, leading me to consider pursuing a minor…

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Martina Bulgarelli

Contact Ask Me About… My Experience Abroad The Penn Global Seminar: Communicating Change in Mongolia gave me the opportunity to delve into the unique aspects of a country that resonates with me, much like my home country, Italy, which is known for its rich cultural heritage and close-knit traditional communities. This immersive experience has greatly…

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Shivani Desai

Contact Ask Me About… My Experience Abroad I never thought a Political Science Global Seminar would fit in with my career goals as a student in Wharton, but I was quickly proven wrong when reading the course description of PGS: Information Communication Technologies for Development. As someone who is heavily involved with Venture Lab at…

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Bernadine Kumi

Contact Ask me about… My Experience: Studying abroad in Athens, Greece, allowed me to directly connect my coursework with the city’s complex human rights and humanitarian landscape. In “The Evolution of Human Rights: From Cyrus to the Global War on Terror,” I gained a deeper appreciation of the historical roots of human rights in a…

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Melanie Chen

Ask Me About… My Experience Abroad The opportunity to go abroad at the National University of Singapore led me to realize that I am much more open to working abroad professionally in the future in my career. I am more open to working for a few years in Europe or Asia than I first anticipated…

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Lorraine Ruppert

Contact Ask Me About… My Experience Abroad This experience related to my pursuit of an urban studies major with a focus on the built environment and sustainability and my interest in architectural history. The course greatly focused on Mongolia’s transition from a primarily nomadic society to a sedentary one and the many political stresses that…