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Janice Cao

Contact Ask me about… My Experience Abroad: Working for a start-up that transformed Ho Chi Minh City’s engagement with public transportation overall gave me insight into the intersection between AI technology and public transportation. More deeply, though, this summer allowed me to explore my strengths and interests, which was especially important after coming out of…

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Isabella Marcellino

Contact Ask me about… My Experience Abroad: I had always wanted to study outside of the United States, as well as explore my architectural studies in a specialized school. At the AA, I was exposed to new architectural thought processes both in and outside of the classroom, whether I was in my history seminar, studying…

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Serena Camici

Contact Ask me about… When I went to Sweden, I had no prior knowledge of the Swedish language itself. That being said, I wanted to experience a culture in which I didn’t understand the language. Most Swedes speak very good English, so I worried that it would be easy to stumble into complacency and just…

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Elan Roth

Contact Ask Me About… My Experience Abroad My program was 45 people living in apartments spread across the city and I knew no one in the entire country. I spent more alone time in those 4 months than I ever have in my life — an experience I didn’t realize I needed. Other Highlights

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Nikola Moore

Contact Ask me about… My Experience: Cambridge only allows you to take major-related courses. This offered me complete immersion into my subject and offered me important insights into what my life could look like if I decided to become a full-time researcher. Because of the focused, intellectual, often subject-specific environment, I connected with many people…

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Linda Xu

Contact Ask me about… Living and working abroad for the first time, speaking in a different language on the daily, working remotely while abroad, and planning solo/small group international travel! My Experience: As someone working toward a career in law, social sciences, and/or general social advocacy both in the US and abroad, my internship experience…

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Luna Wang

Contact Ask me about… My Experience Abroad: As an entrepreneurship major interested in impact-driven businesses, getting the chance to learn about tourism’s local impact in Indonesia was super eye-opening and tied directly into what I’m studying. My academic focus is all about creating businesses that not only make money but also make a difference, so…

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Victoria Konyk

Contact Ask me about… My Experience Abroad: I am pursuing a minor in Global Health which requires an abroad experience but my interest in PGS started long before I declared my minor. As a first-generation American, I understand the importance of exploring and attempting to understand different cultures, languages, and histories. Spending time abroad immerses…

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Connie Ni

Contact Ask me about… My Experience Abroad: Through my study abroad at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, I continued to pursue my major (Health & Societies), my minor (East Asian Area Studies), and my SNF Paideia Fellowship. All of my courses were transferred back for credit at Penn. My experiences abroad, both academically and…

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Evelyn Huang

Biography Evelyn Huang is a junior concentrating in finance at Penn. This semester, she will be studying abroad at Singapore Management University. A native Texan and naturalized Pennsylvanian, she is excited to once again immerse herself in a new environment and bring readers of this blog along with her on her journey! At Penn, she is…