Simeon Paek
CAS ’26
PGS: Becoming Zimbabwe
Ask Me About…
“Out of placeness.” I was taking a class on migration in Africa and traveling with no previous experience with Africa. I had only traveled to places where Asians are common and aren’t a rarity, but here in Africa I saw the complete opposite. I got to experience, even more so than the States, a fully different culture than I was used to.
My Experience Abroad
My experience in Africa may not have related at all with my area of study, but definitely influenced how I view the world and how I interact with daily life and professional life. Although I have traveled to different countries before, sometimes even solo, I had never been to a place where I had no connection to previously. Any time I was traveling there was always something tethering me, but through PGS I was able to see a freer world. I am able to see more wider perspectives in the world, and how extremely vast it is. It has made me not only want to do more traveling but set my professional goals to be further reaching. Rather than being just a surgeon, I can consider doing something that affects the entire planet and more people.
Other Highlights
- As someone who loves food and the story it tells, PGS gave me the opportunity to experience South Africa with a food journey.
- Meeting wonderful people, some of the nicest people in the world in someplace that I was told was going to be unsafe. Bonding with not only my peers but random people I would meet on the streets.
- Learning about something I had no experience in. The rich history and culture of South Africa was so incredible to learn about and it allowed me to make connections within my own culture and Africa’s.