Connie Ni
CAS ’26
Health & Societies
SA: Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)
Ask me about…
- Come talk to me about planning for study abroad as a premed, being abroad for the first time, planning trips with new friends, and living in a country with a different language!
- Although it required thorough planning, study abroad is more than possible while staying on track with medical school prerequisites. This was also the first time I went abroad for a non-family vacation, and I also have tips and tricks for planning those last minute trips with new friends abroad. Learning to adapt to a different main language in another country can be a little tricky, but it was never a barrier to exploring Hong Kong.
My Experience Abroad:
Through my study abroad at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, I continued to pursue my major (Health & Societies), my minor (East Asian Area Studies), and my SNF Paideia Fellowship. All of my courses were transferred back for credit at Penn.
My experiences abroad, both academically and personally enriching, were deeply integral to my interests in healthcare, international policy, and comparative systems. I was able to delve into the intricacies of the Hong Kong healthcare system. By studying its structure, policies, and practices, I explored another model of healthcare delivery, financing, and access in Hong Kong, especially in relation to the role of traditional Chinese medicine alongside modern healthcare practices.
Without the opportunity to explore other cultures and immerse myself in another institution and country abroad, I would have never been able to apply such an international lens on my education.
Other Highlights:
- Trying Hong Kong-British fusion dishes like baked rice and macaroni soup
- Being headbutted and chased around by the deer in Nara, Japan
- Hiking to a gorgeous waterfall in Sai Kung, Hong Kong
- Feasting on Korean barbecue in Seoul