Yoonie Yang
Wharton & CAS ’25
Huntsman Program (International Studies and Legal Studies and Business Ethics)
SA: CASA: Sevilla
Ask Me About…
- Backpack traveling in Europe
- Living with a host family
- Studying in a different language (Spanish and the Spanish university system)
- Dealing with identity issues while abroad/struggles in adapting to a culture
- How to immerse yourself in a language and a culture
My Experience Abroad
One of my priorities while studying abroad was to improve my Spanish ability and truly immerse myself in a different culture, prioritizing authenticity and tradition in lieu of the typical American study abroad experience in a large, bustling city. Through the CASA Sevilla program, the majority of my classes were through the local Universidad de Sevilla, taking classes and submitting assignments alongside Spanish students as one of the few non-native Spanish speakers in the class. Although none of my courses related directly to my professional or career goals, I used the flexibility in my course selection as a way to learn about disciplines I had always been interested in. From taking an archeology excavation class to an art history course and finally rationalizing my love for art museums, I was able to pursue a wholly liberal arts education for a semester between balancing Wharton and college classes at Penn through my dual-degree program.
Other Highlights
- My incredible CASA cohort of 35 students: from river picnics to reading together in the Maria Luisa park
- Roadtripping in Ireland (how to make the most out of St. Patricks abroad, #don’tgotoDublin)
- Taking my first ever archeology excavation class and having the opportunity to excavate firsthand a 2nd century Roman mosaic!
- Dressing up in La Féria clothing and experiencing the spring festival (from the sevillano dancing to the cultural significance of La Féria)
- Intentionally incorporating nature into my travels: swimming in the ocean in Portugal, hiking in Ireland, accidentally climbing a mountain in the Canary Islands