Research Abroad

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Stepping Into The Forest With New Friends

By: Semma Alfatlawi, SEAS ’25 Semma (top, second from right) with new friends on a hike led by NUS Rovers Club. Engineering Research in Singapore – National University of Singapore “OH MY GOD,” I exclaimed when I saw one of the most beautiful views of an overgrown train track in the middle of the Clementi Forest…

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First Impressions of Ireland

By: Josée Iyonsaba, Nursing ’23 Josée walking the Howth Cliff Walk Nursing Research in Dublin – Trinity College Dublin, Ireland Before even setting foot in Ireland, I knew it was a beautiful country with a rich history and culture. When they announced we would be landing in Dublin in a few minutes, I felt excited.…

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How stressed can coral reef be?

By: Kalen Truong, SEAS ’24 Engineering Research in Singapore – National University of Singapore I was given the opportunity to attend the Summer Engineering Research Internship for US Students (SERIUS) at the National University of Singapore! I am currently researching and designing biomaterials to test the mechanical behavior of recently created immortalized coral reef cell lines.…

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Exploring the City

By: Alex Jiang, SEAS ’25 Alex (left) shopping in Singapore’s Chinatown Engineering Research in Singapore – National University of Singapore Before coming to Penn, Singapore was at the top of my list of places to visit. In high school, I watched travel vlogs about the world-class Changqi airport and saw photos of the beautiful city from…

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Diving Headfirst into Safeguarding

By: Bella Ozomaro, CAS ’23 Bella at “A Tiny Hidden Beach” in Howth, Ireland Nursing Research in Dublin – Trinity College Dublin, Ireland This summer, I am assisting Dr. Amanda Phelan, Professor in Ageing & Community Nursing at Trinity College Dublin, in her research project on safeguarding adults at risk of abuse. For the first…

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Final Thoughts

By: Helen Lortie, SEAS ’24 The background of Helen’s virtual booth for the final presentations. RWTH Aachen University – Germany My research experience was impactful in many ways. Now that it has ended, I have taken some time to reflect on what it was that I achieved and what I am grateful for about the…

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An Open Reflection

By: Brian Vu, CAS ’22 Brian’s research presentation for his final evaluation meeting. Hanoi University of Public Health – Vietnam One week after the conclusion of my GRIP internship, my mornings now consist of snoozed alarms and sleeping in. What were once back-to-back meetings are now disorganized and boring days. Looking back at the past…

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Beyond the Comfort Zone

By: Andres Eskenazi, CAS/SEAS ’22 Andres during one of his weekly meetings with a new zoom background sporting Fourier Intelligence’s logo.  Fourier Intelligence – Singapore One of my favorite sayings from Chinese culture goes: 不经历风雨怎么见彩虹 (pinyin: bu jingli fengyu zenme jian caihong). In English, the literal translation of this phrase would be “if you don’t experience wind…

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THANK YOU Trinity College Dublin

By: Gloria Mpundu, Nursing ’22 Nursing Research in Dublin – Ireland Before I came to Penn nursing, I was not aware of different career options such as policy making, research, and education that nurses can pursue to make an impact on the healthcare field. Inspired by the work of my professors, research sparked my interest the most and…

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The Beginning

By: Sarah Diaz, CAS ’23 University of Auckland – New Zealand For the entirety of the program, I will be helping Professor Linda Tyler of the University of Auckland and the Auckland Art Gallery prepare an upcoming exhibition on Lucy Wertheim and the one-hundred-some works she donated to the Gallery, which makes up one of…
