Research Abroad

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What Exactly Am I Doing Here?

By: Connor Hardy, CAS ’21 Connor (second on right) eating lunch with colleagues from the Kolkata Anandam for Equality and Justice Kolkata Anandam for Equality and Justice – India About a year and a half ago, my grandfather turned to me and said, “Connor, I could call you a lot of things, but easygoing is not…

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Research Perspectives

By: Mercedes Chavez, CAS ’21 Mercedes (left) with fellow GRIP participant, Helen Zhang, traveling in Australia The University of Sydney – Australia This summer I am interning at the United States Studies Centre (USSC) at the University of Sydney as a research assistant and it has been one of the most academically challenging and rewarding…

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No Puedo Bailar Salsa

By: Julianna Shinnick, Penn Nursing Julianna visiting a monastery in Arequipa, Peru Zoonotic Diseases Field Laboratory – Arequipa, Peru This summer, I am working on research about Chagas’ Disease in Arequipa, Peru. The work itself is familiar, as I have been working with the team from Philadelphia for several months now. We are preparing an intervention…

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A Chance Encounter

By: Jiyeux Seok, SEAS ’20 Jiyeux on a day trip to Pulau Ubin Engineering Research in Singapore The sun hid behind a blanket of clouds as a rag-tag group of adventure-hungry Penn students stepped onto a bumboat amidst loud plops of rain against rough waters. “It always randomly rains like this,” I assured the others. “It’ll…

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Breaking Routine

By: Heta Patel, CAS ’21 Heta in Santiago Atitlán, Guatemala Guatemala Health Initiative – Santiago Atitlán Picture a rural town.                        What do you see? Now, take a deep breath.                        What does it smell like?…

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A Daily Routine

By: Anna Bennett, Penn Nursing ’20 Anna (left) on a weekend trip to Galway Nursing Research in Dublin – Ireland Before this internship, I really hadn’t left the East Coast. My hometown and Philly were really the only things familiar to me. Prior to leaving, I really didn’t know how I was going to adjust…

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My First Weeks in Germany

By: Ethan Boyer, SEAS ’21 Ethan on a visit to Cologne, Germany Engineering Research in Aachen, Germany I just finished the second week of my ten-week research internship in Aachen Germany and so far the experience has been amazing. The research I am doing in 3-D printing microvascular networks at the RWTH Aachen university hospital is…

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Spirituality in Healthcare

By: Nora Hennessy, Nursing ’21 Trinity College Dublin – Dublin, Ireland The first day of work I attended a conference on Spirituality in Healthcare in Ireland. It was so great. There were many excellent lecturers and guest speakers, including Janet Quinn, who is a major mindfulness speaker in the US. My favorite part was the…

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Anthropological Research in Guatemala

By: Sarah Jacobs, CAS ’19 Guatemala Health Initiative – Santiago Atitlan During my time in Santiago Atitlan, Guatemala, I’ve done a great deal of traveling and immersing myself in my host culture. I’ve learned to weave, make tortillas, and the proper way to put on a Huipil, the traditional dress of the women in my community.…

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Love Deeply, Live Simply

By: Cindy Luo, CAS ’20 University of Minho Law School – Braga, Portugal I enjoy reading about all types of places, people, and events. And I find myself falling in love with these things even before I have my first real encounter with them. With Portugal, I wanted to be culturally open-minded, to have an…
