Virtual Internships Abroad

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First Days of Working From Home (Literally!)

By: Nina Pham, College ’24 Keru, China At Keru, I’m involved in mainly two areas: office projects and leading pre-program sessions for the students who are enrolled in one of the specific social impact courses. For the office projects, each intern is assigned to around three or so areas, it so happens that all of…

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My First Two Weeks

By: Irene Lee, Wharton ’24 Drishti Works, India I initially decided to intern at Drishti Works this summer because I was interested in learning about the intersection of technology and agriculture as well as its application toward boosting agricultural productivity in developing countries in Asia. When the internship first started, my expectation going into it was that I…

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My Work at the Shifo Foundation

By: Michele Anzabi, CAS ’22 Michele working on revisions for an educational model.  Shifo Foundation – Sweden Hello! My name is Michele Anzabi, and I am a rising senior in the College studying Health & Societies with a concentration in Bioethics & Society and a minor in Hispanic Studies. Most of my extracurricular activities focus…

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Final Connections

By: Vanessa Dib, CAS ’22 Vanessa presenting notes during a company meeting.  Libryo – UK A few weeks ago, during a meeting with my manager, she gave me some insight into how the company was preparing to pitch to some investors to expand its network and services to more clients. Specifically, she talked about how…

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Like the Blink of an Eye

By: Ivory Gao, CAS ’24 A summary presentation of MOD Group Limited’s work, where Ivory was a business development intern.  MOD Group Limited – Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong I can’t believe that this week concludes my Virtual Internship Abroad (VIA) experience. This past month, I acquired skills that have equipped me with a better understanding of…

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Finding New Passions

By: Catherine Michelutti, SEAS/WHARTON ’23 Catherine working on her internship in her backyard with her dog. Orion – South Africa My internship with the Orion Organization has prompted me to reflect on my identity in terms of where my passions and future career interests lie. My previous work experiences have all been in biomedical research fields,…

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The Joy of Challenging Myself

By: Andres Eskenazi, CAS/SEAS ’22 Andres and the Fourier team celebrating with cake during the company’s midterm review event. Fourier Intelligence – Singapore One of my favorite sayings from all times comes from Chinese culture and goes: 世上无难事,只怕有心人 (pinyin: shishang wu nanshi, zhi pa youxinren). In English, the literal translation of this phrase would be “there…

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A Final Reflection

By: Alice He, SEAS ’23 Unique Team Building – Brisbane, Australia  It brings me a lot of sadness that my VIA internship has come to an end. This internship has been such a meaningful global experience and has been everything I was hoping for and so much more. I am grateful for all of the…

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Designing for FLIP

By: Sabrina Tian, CAS ’22 Sabrina with a variety of FLIP media content.  FLIP Productions -Tokyo, Japan As a Content Creation Intern for FLIP Productions in Tokyo, I’ve been able to research different aspects of Japanese life for their social media, create social media graphics for their tourism and entrepreneurship guide, and design vector illustrations to…

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Beyond the Comfort Zone

By: Andres Eskenazi, CAS/SEAS ’22 Andres during one of his weekly meetings with a new zoom background sporting Fourier Intelligence’s logo.  Fourier Intelligence – Singapore One of my favorite sayings from Chinese culture goes: 不经历风雨怎么见彩虹 (pinyin: bu jingli fengyu zenme jian caihong). In English, the literal translation of this phrase would be “if you don’t experience wind…
