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On reflection

SA: CASA: Barcelona, Spain Florence, one of the Semester Abroad Correspondents, shares her experience abroad during the Spring 2025 semester. Follow along with the group of correspondents on our blog and look out for their images on the @pennabroad Instagram feed. One of the hardest parts of preparing for a semester abroad isn’t deciding how many pairs of jeans to pack or…

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From Advanced Registration at Penn to Last Minute Registration in Lyon

SA: Penn Semester in Lyon Gabrielle, one of the Semester Abroad Correspondents, shares her experience abroad during the Spring 2025 semester. Follow along with the group of correspondents on our blog and look out for their images on the @pennabroad Instagram feed. In preparing to study abroad, I, of course, knew that there would be many differences betweenmy semester abroad versus my…

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Saya Desai

Contact Ask me about… My Experience Abroad: As a Spanish minor, taking all my classes in Spanish during my study abroad in Barcelona was really the pinnacle of my language studies. While the classes significantly enhanced my fluency, it also allowed me to fully immerse myself in the language and culture. As a Political Science…

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Ian Mijael Zang

Contact Ask me about… My experience studying abroad at Oxford was unique in several ways. I extended my stay (Fall to full-year) and stayed on track to finish two majors, balancing a rigorous curriculum from the University of Pennsylvania with Oxford’s demanding academic standards. I also successfully recruited and kept doing research while abroad. Moreover,…

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Jasper Taylor

Contact Ask me about… One of the unique aspects of my experience abroad was that it was my first time living outside of the country for an extended period of time. Although London is not as different from the United States as some other abroad destinations around the world, it was still a huge adjustment…

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Alice Andrews

Contact Ask me about… My Experience Abroad: I began taking Italian when I first arrived at Penn and continued studying the language abroad. My main goal for the semester was to feel more confident in my comprehension and speech, and I feel I have certainly improved. Out of the 4 courses (5 credits) I took,…

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Shivani Desai

Contact Ask Me About… My Experience Abroad I never thought a Political Science Global Seminar would fit in with my career goals as a student in Wharton, but I was quickly proven wrong when reading the course description of PGS: Information Communication Technologies for Development. As someone who is heavily involved with Venture Lab at…

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Bernadine Kumi

Contact Ask me about… My Experience: Studying abroad in Athens, Greece, allowed me to directly connect my coursework with the city’s complex human rights and humanitarian landscape. In “The Evolution of Human Rights: From Cyrus to the Global War on Terror,” I gained a deeper appreciation of the historical roots of human rights in a…

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Joan Bamgboye

Contact Ask me about… I feel that I could be helpful with students worried about: My Experience Abroad: My experience studying abroad at the University of Edinburgh introduced me to a more independent, self-driven method of education. In-class time was significantly less than what I was used to at Penn, and for the first couple…

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Nicole Grigerich

Contact Ask Me About… While many students opt to apply to the same program as their friends, I decided to dive into a completely new adventure. I set off on my journey to Lisbon alone. This was largely on purpose. I wanted my abroad experience to truly challenge me to broaden my horizons. At the…