Exchange at Penn Correspondents

Share your academic, cultural, and social experiences while studying abroad at Penn.  

The Spring 2025 EAP Correspondents

Jessica Li

Hugo Leung

Yuyi Hou

Become an Exchange at Penn Correspondent

Program Requirements

Attend a kick-off meeting with your fellow EAP Correspondents. 

Write a reflective blog post, to be published on the Penn Abroad Blog, a minimum of two times over the course of the semester.

Engage with Penn Abroad on social media, Instagram in particular, over the course of the semester by writing/sharing posts. 

Assist EAP staff with communicating/promoting opportunities to your EAP peers and informal event programming/facilitation. 





Studying abroad at Penn through the EAP program 

Interest in writing, photography, videography, and/or social media.

Accountability to meet all program requirements.


Applications for each semester will open on a rolling basis.

View Our Penn Abroad Correspondents

Global Correspondents by Program

Requirements for Global Correspondent are unique, based on the Penn Abroad program you participate in.

Global Research and Internship Correspondents

GRIP Global Correspondents share their targeted career insights directly with the GRIP community through writing, videos, and social media content over the summer.   

Penn Global Seminar Correspondents

PGS Correspondents write blogs both before and after the travel component of their course and share photos from their time abroad.   

Study Abroad Correspondents

Study Abroad Correspondents share their academic, cultural, and social experiences while abroad for an academic year, semester, or summer.