Cady Wang

Cady Wang on coastline
CAS '26
English & Economics
GRIP: PR and Marketing in Bangkok
Global Research & Internship Program (GRIP)


  • GRIP: PR and Marketing in Bangkok

Ask me about...

  • Tailoring my internship experience to my professional goals

  • Building and maintaining a mentor relationship within your work community

  • Self-advocacy while studying and working abroad

My Experience Abroad:

My experience as an intern at Sasin Sustainability & Entrepreneurship in Bangkok, Thailand completely transformed my professional, academic, and personal life. Interning at SasinSEC, I discovered a career path I'm passionate about in sustainability. We all know that climate change is a problem, but being in the academic and corporate spheres this summer made me realize that there is a huge disconnect with the work that needs to be done at all levels of business. If a company's leaders and mission do not value sustainability, neither will their activities, and that is the unfortunate truth of many corporations. There is also a large resource gap, especially within developing countries and small and medium sized companies, where they do not have the space and resources to balance economic growth with sustainability. We need stronger and more ethical leadership, and we also need collaboration amongst all sectors of society to push for sustainable change. At the same time, this internship led me to declaring my majors in English and Economics, both subjects I love, but also subjects that help immensely in thinking about business ethics and allocation of resources. Finally, I learned so much about myself and grew into the person I always wanted to be. I feel so confident in my ability to travel to new places, meet new people, and make the most of the experience!

Other Highlights:

  • Buying fruit at the local market and eating durian for the first time (and many times afterwards)

  • Motorbiking everywhere!

  • Sitting on the back of my work mentor's little EV motorbike on our way to expert interviews

  • Solo-traveling to Vietnam for a weekend

  • Accidentally flying to the wrong place, Udon Thani, which is a city 9 hours and 37 minute drive away from the city I intended to go to, Chiang Mai

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