Penn Abroad Ambassador Ioana Gidiuta

Group Photo in Cologne
SEAS '26
Electrical Engineering
GRIP: Engineering Research in Aachen
Global Research & Internship Program (GRIP)


  • GRIP: Engineering Research in Aachen

Ask me about...

  • Adapting to a new culture and language

  • First-time work experience abroad

  • Traveling to other countries while abroad

My Experience Abroad:

My experience as a research assistant at RWTH Aachen during the summer of 2023 significantly aligned with my coursework, major, academic goals, and professional aspirations. Through this position, I delved into the intersection of Robotics and Machine Learning, complementing my educational background in electrical engineering and programming.

Specifically, I worked on Dynamics Modeling, applying my knowledge to configure and train a Lagrangian Neural Network (LNN) to predict torques in industrial robot joints. This hands-on experience enriched my understanding of real-world applications in robotics and machine learning, bridging the gap between theory and practice.

My academic journey has been a deliberate one, with coursework in areas such as Engineering Electromagnetism, Signal and Information Processing, Algorithms and Data Structures, and Data Science. These courses have provided me with a strong foundation in the technical skills required for my future goals.

Looking ahead, I aspire to specialize in data science and machine learning, with a unique twist towards the medical field. My plan is to transition into Bioengineering for my Mater's Degree and explore domains like Neuroengineering, medical robotics, and Brain-Computer Interfaces. This experience as a research assistant has been a stepping stone towards realizing these ambitions, as it has reinforced my passion for engineering.

Other Highlights:

  • Weekend excursion to Rursee (lake near host city)

  • Visiting a nearby climbing forest with fellow program participants

  • Trip to the Jülich Forschungzentrum

  • The culminating Research Symposium 

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