Application Process
Learn how to apply for a term or year abroad at Penn.
Get Started
Start planning how your study abroad experience fits into your Penn journey.
Penn Abroad will guide you in setting goals, selecting a program, and completing your application. All study abroad applications must go through Penn Abroad—use the steps below to get started.
Application Process
Step 1: Attend Group Advising
Attending a study abroad advising session is required before you can open an application. All students interested in study abroad are welcome to join an advising session. 
Appointments cannot be guaranteed and are based on availability. Appointments fill to capacity quickly, so please plan accordingly and register early. If no appointments are available before your program’s application date, please contact goabroad@upenn.edu. Penn Abroad staff will do their best to accommodate your advising request prior to the deadline, but if no meeting times are available, you will not be eligible to apply for the desired program. 
You are encouraged to attend advising, apply, and fully complete your study abroad application early. The number of spaces available for students to study at each Penn Abroad program varies by location. Penn Abroad will open a maximum of 40 applications per program for each term. Programs will stop accepting new applications once this maximum number has been reached, even if the Penn Abroad deadline has not yet passed. To ensure your application is considered for admission to your desired host program abroad, it is best to start the study abroad process as soon as possible. Application requests must be submitted no later than 3 days before the program’s deadline.
Fall/Year Semester Programs
- Advising begins in November of the preceding academic year.
- Applications are generally due between January and early March (always refer to the program brochure for the exact program deadline).
Spring Semester Programs
- Advising begins in April of the preceding academic year.
- Applications are generally due between May and early October (always refer to the program brochure for the exact program deadline).
Summer Term Programs (for Wharton & Engineering students only):
- Advising begins in November.
- Applications are due on February 1.
Register for a group Study Abroad Advising session on Calendly
Summer Term Programs
Please note that advising for Fall and Spring term programs is unavailable each year from October to early November and from March to early April during application review. Advising for Summer term programs is only available from November to January.
When advising for your program of interest is unavailable, you are welcome to attend drop-in hours or look out for upcoming events to learn more. If you have any questions, please contact goabroad@upenn.edu.
Step 2: Review Eligibility
To study abroad, you must meet certain general eligibility requirements that apply to all programs. Please refer to the Study Abroad Academic Information page for a comprehensive list of these requirements.Â
Additionally, individual programs may have their own GPA minimums, language prerequisites, and/or course-specific requirements. For program-specific eligibility requirements, please refer to program brochures within PASSPORT.
Step 3: Choose a Program
As you explore program options, consider your academic and personal goals. Once you know why you want to study abroad, it will make it easier to decide where you will study abroad. Thinking through these questions will help you navigate the many exciting program options.
Step 4: Open Application
After attending an advising session, submit a request to open your application for a specific program and term. Application requests must be submitted no later than 3 days before the program’s deadline. The relevant Global Programs Manager in Penn Abroad will review your academic eligibility before opening the application.
Please note that you must have an application open before attending additional advising for the following reasons:
- You will be equipped and empowered to apply the strategies discussed during group advising to research, narrow down your options, and select an initial program preference.
- Once your application is open, you and your Global Programs Manager can review it together in additional advising, as the Penn Abroad application process is generally the same across programs.
- You can request to have your application switched to a different program at any time before that program’s application deadline, so opening an application does not commit you to a specific program.
Step 5: Apply
Once your application is open, you will gain access to instructions for completing both your Penn Abroad and host program applications. Begin working on your application immediately to ensure you have ample time to address any questions with your Penn Abroad and academic advising contacts and submit it before the deadline.
As part of the application process, you must meet with your home school academic advisor for study abroad. During this meeting, you will:
- Review your academic eligibility
- Discuss course options
- Begin the course approval process
College of Arts & Sciences Students must also obtain academic approval from their major department.
Schedule these meetings early, as advisors’ schedules fill quickly, and they are not required to accommodate last-minute requests.
Additional Resources