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Amy E. Gadsden, PhD

Contact Biography As Associate Vice Provost for Global Initiatives, Amy Gadsden works with Penn’s schools and centers to develop and implement strategies to increase Penn’s global engagement both on campus and overseas.  She oversees Penn Global’s reporting offices, including International Student and Scholar Services, Penn Abroad, Global Support Services, Global Initiatives, and Perry World House. …

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Neysun Mahboubi

Contact Biography Neysun A. Mahboubi is Director of the Penn Project on the Future of U.S.-China Relations at the University of Pennsylvania, where he teaches various courses related to Chinese history, law, and policy, and hosts the China Studies podcast.. He is also a Non-Resident Senior Fellow with the Asia Program at the Foreign Policy Research Institute. Previously he was a Research…

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Ezekiel J. Emanuel, M.D., PhD

Contact Biography Ezekiel J. Emanuel is the Vice Provost for Global Initiatives, the Diane v.S. Levy and Robert M. Levy University Professor, and Chair of the Department of Medical Ethics and Health Policy at the University of Pennsylvania.  He is also an Op-Ed contributor to the New York Times. He was the founding chair of the…

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Kristyn Palmiotto

Contact Biography Kristyn provides strategic direction and leadership to the Penn Abroad team, the division of Penn Global responsible for advancing global education at the University of Pennsylvania. Penn Abroad programming spans semester and academic year, summer, research, internships, and short-term. In her role, Kristyn furthers Penn’s global strategy through the strengthening of current programs…
