E-3 Australian Treaty Workers
The University of Pennsylvania uses the E-3 Australian Treaty Worker in Specialty Occupation category for some faculty positions, and research associates, as well as certain staff positions such data analysts and research specialists.
E-3 Visa Overview: Current immigration law makes the E-3 category available to Australian nationals in a “specialty occupation,” that is, a position: “which requires theoretical and practical application of a body of highly specialized knowledge and attainment of a baccalaureate or higher degree or its equivalent [in the specialty occupation] as a minimum requirement.”
E-3 Employee Qualifications: The E-3 employee must have met the minimum qualifications for the position at the time of applying for an E-3 US Entry Visa. The Australia-US Free Trade Agreement (AUSFTA) allows a maximum of 10,500 E-3s per fiscal year.
The hiring departments and the foreign nationals are not authorized to file their own E-3 cases.
Processing Overview & Application Information
ISSS Processing Times
- ISSS Processing Times: To allow for sufficient government processing time, hiring departments should submit E-3 request materials to ISSS for a prospective E-3 employee 6-7 months in advance but no later than 90 days prior to the anticipated start of E-3 employment.
- Timely Submission of E-3 Requests: If a complete E-3 request packet is not submitted to ISSS in a timely fashion, ISSS cannot guarantee that the application will be processed and/or filed in a timely manner or at the requested time.
- Please note that ISSS processing times may vary depending on volume.
E-3 Processing Steps
All E-3 applications, including extensions and amendments, require three steps:
Step 1: Wage Determination
- ISSS must first obtain an “E-3 required wage” by comparing the prevailing wage determination from the Department of Labor (DOL) to the actual wage data provided by the hiring department.
- Wage Requirements: An E-3 employer is required to pay the higher of the two wages. If Penn’s wage offer is found to be inadequate, the E-3 employee’s wage must be increased, or the E-3 process for the position must be abandoned.
Step 2: Labor Condition Application (LCA)
- After receiving a satisfactory prevailing wage determination, ISSS files a Labor Condition Application (LCA) with DOL affirming that Penn will meet the prevailing wage and other legal requirements of the E-3.
- Posting Notice of LCA Filing: The hiring department will be asked by the ISSS advisor to post a notice of LCA filing for 10 consecutive business days at a conspicuous place. The posting will not delay the E-3 processing.
Step 3: LCA Certification and Visa Appointment
- After receiving LCA certification, ISSS will notify the hiring department to pick up the certified LCA.
- Visa Appointment for E-3 Employee: The prospective E-3 employee will make a visa appointment at a US Consulate/Embassy to obtain an E-3 US Entry Visa (& visas for his/her dependents, if applicable).
Filing Tips: Digital E-3 Application Process
- Our E-3 application process has now gone digital and can be submitted by Hiring Departments through iPenn by:
- adding a new case and selecting “E-3” from the Request Type drop down
- if the employee is already on your iPenn Case list, the hiring department can click “Begin E-3 employee request” on the individual’s case page in iPenn
- Checks will still need to be requested through Accounts Payable.
- Please save a copy of materials and forms, including checks, submitted to ISSS for your records.
Application: Required Items from the Hiring Department
After completing the E-3 Request eform now in iPenn, the hiring department must review and submit the supporting documentation and items from the employee listed below as one complete package to ISSS using eform 5. Please save a copy of materials and forms submitted to ISSS for your records.
- Printable materials from the iPenn E-3 Employee Application
- E-3 Position Description
- Actual Wage Worksheet and Declaration
- Department Request Summary and Understanding of E-3 Employment
- For initial E-3 for post doc, a copy of the J-1 Postdoc Policy waiver/exception approval notice
- If a staff position, copy of the Human Resources Request for Employment Form
- If the processing type is LCA with I-129 filing, a check for the application fee, payable to “U.S. Department of Homeland Security” in the amount of $510 is required.
Application: Required Items from the E-3 Employee
There is a list of required documents that the department needs to obtain from the E-3 employee. Please read and print the Required Items Checklist.
Conditions & Reminders
- Length of E-3 Stay: The E-3 category provides for entry on a non-permanent basis into the US for up to 24 months at a time.
- Intent to Depart the US: The E-3 status applicant must satisfy the consular officer that s/he intends to depart the US upon termination of E-3 status.
- Renewal of E-3 Status: The validity may be renewed, provided the E-3 nonimmigrant is able to demonstrate that s/he does not intend to remain or work permanently in the US
- Travel in E-3 Status: E-3 employees should always consult with ISSS before traveling outside the U.S. Additional information is available in the Travel section of this site.
Conditions of Employment
Period of Employment (in relation to I-94 dates)
- Period of Employment: The E-3 worker’s employment start date will be the LCA start date or the I-94 card start date, whichever is later.
- End Date of Employment: The E-3 worker’s last date of employment will be the LCA end date or the I-94 card end date, whichever is earlier.
- Discrepancies in I-94 and LCA Dates: Should the dates on the E-3 employee’s I-94 card differ from the LCA dates, immediately contact an ISSS advisor.
E-3 Employment Restrictions
- E-3 Employment Restrictions: The E-3 is specific to the employer and job/position for an individual E-3 employee.
- Prohibition on Additional Employment: E-3 employment authorized for Penn does not allow employment with another department at Penn, at another location, or for a different employer.
- Consulting ISSS for Employment Changes: Consult ISSS prior to any changes in the individual’s employment, such as change in title, academic degree required for position, number of hours worked, department, location, or position duties.
- Travel Requirements for Employment Changes: In some cases, the E-3 and any dependent family members may have to travel outside the U.S.
- Consequences of Non-Compliance: Please note that failure to consult ISSS may put Penn and the individual employee at risk for sanctions and penalties by DHS or DOL.
- Honoraria Restrictions: E-3 employees are not allowed to accept honoraria from outside sources.
Change of E-3 Employer
- E-3 Request Packet: If an individual is already in the U.S. in E-3 status but is sponsored by another employer and wishes to start employment at Penn, the Penn hiring department must submit an E-3 request packet to ISSS.
- Ineligibility for Portability Benefit: E-3 employees are not eligible for the Portability benefit.
- Reentry Requirements for New E-3 Employment: The individual must not begin working for Penn until Penn’s E-3 is approved and the E-3 individual and dependent family members have left the U.S. and reentered in valid E-3 and E-3D statuses respectively.
Completion of Employment
Unfortunately there is no grace period for the E-3 employees. So, the individual is expected to leave the US on the last day of employment.
Penn Internal Processing Fees
- For E-3 LCA only (for those traveling internationally to obtain E-3 status): $670 (unless received before June 30th, 2023).
- For E-3 LCA and I-129 filing with USCIS (for those who do not want to travel): $1,740 (unless received before June 30th, 2023).
E-3 Dependent Status
- Who Can Apply: The spouse and unmarried children under 21 years of age of E-3 employees may apply E-3D status.
- Citizenship Requirements: The spouse and children need not be Australian citizens.
- To obtain E-3D status, a dependent must either:
- Option 1: Apply for a US Entry Visa Overseas
- Apply for a US Entry Visa at the US Embassy or Consulate overseas (citizens of Canada and Bermuda Exempt). Upon entry to US, dependents must present a copy of E-3 status holder’s immigration documents, his/her passport & his/her Entry Visa (accompanied by any supporting documents) at the US Port of Entry in order to gain E-3D status; OR
- Option 2: Apply for a Change of Status in the US
- Apply for a Change of Status in the US. Please meet with an ISSS advisor for further details.
- Option 1: Apply for a US Entry Visa Overseas
- Employment Authorization: E-3D dependent spouses are eligible to apply for employment authorization from the USCIS, allowing him/her to work in the US once the Employment Authorization Document (EAD) is approved. E-3D status holders may only apply for an EAD after entering the US and holding E-3 status. See E-3D Spouse Work Permission.
- Study Eligibility for E-3D Dependents: E-3D dependents may study in the US, as long as their primary purpose in the US is to accompany the E-3 status holder. However, the duration of their study depends on the E-3’s period of stay.
- Duration of E-3 Status: The duration of the E-3 status holder’s status is stated on the I-94. If the E-3 is eligible and applies for an extension of stay, the E-3D dependent may apply for an extension along with the E-3 status holder at least 90 days prior to the current E-3 end date.
- Age Limitation: A child may not continue to hold E-3D status upon reaching his or her 21st birthday.