H-1B Specialty Workers

H-1B Use at Penn: Penn most commonly uses the H-1B temporary professional worker category for faculty members and research associates, as well as certain staff positions such as data analysts and research specialists. 

  • H-1B Eligibility: The H-1B category is available to any person in a “specialty occupation,” that is a position “which requires the theoretical and practical application of a body of highly specialized knowledge and attainment of a baccalaureate or higher degree or its equivalent in the specialty occupation as a minimum requirement.” 
  • Employee Qualifications: The H-1B employee must meet the minimum qualifications for the position, including experience, degree, any license or certificate, and any special requirements, at the time of filing the H-1B petitions. 

ISSS Responsibilities: Please note that ISSS is only responsible for preparing and filing the H-1B Petition. We are not responsible for the content of a dependent’s I-539 Application to Extend/Change Status. Although we can include this application with Penn’s H-1B petition for filing, it is the I-539 Applicant’s (i.e. not ISSS) responsibility to prepare this application for filing and ensure its contents are accurate and correct. 

The hiring departments and the Foreign Nationals are not authorized to file their own H-1B petitions.  

Application & Process Information

Learn more about the H-1B visa, application instructions, processing times, and required items.

H-1B Process Overview

Preparation and filing of the H-1B Nonimmigrant Petition is a three-step process: 

Step 1:

ISSS must first obtain an “H-1B required wage” by comparing the prevailing wage determination from the Department of Labor (DOL) to the actual wage data provided by the hiring department.  An H-1B employer is required to pay the higher of the two wages. If Penn’s wage offer is found to be insufficient, the amount must be increased, or the H-1B process for the position must be abandoned.

Step 2:

After receiving a satisfactory prevailing wage determination, ISSS files a Labor Condition Application (LCA) with the DOL affirming that Penn will meet the prevailing wage and other legal requirements of the H-1B.  This process may take seven business days or more. 

Step 3:

After the LCA is Certified, ISSS files the H-1B Petition with US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).  The hiring department will be notified when ISSS receives the Approval Notice from USCIS. 

ISSS Deadlines & USCIS Processing Times

ISSS Application Times

Penn’s Office of the Provost has approved assessing a “late fee” of an additional $750 for all H-1B cases that are initiated with ISSS with an employment start date that is two months (60 days) or less from the date of case submission. 

  • To allow for sufficient government processing time, hiring departments should submit H-1B request materials to ISSS for a prospective H-1B employee 6-7 months in advance but no later than 90 days prior to the anticipated start of H-1B employment. 
  • Usually within 12 weeks of receiving the complete request packet, including checks and all supporting documents, ISSS will submit the H-1B Petition to USCIS. 
  • If a complete H-1B request packet is not submitted to ISSS in a timely fashion, ISSS cannot guarantee that the application will be processed and/or filed in a timely manner or at the requested time. Please note that ISSS processing times may vary depending on volume. 

USCIS (US Citizenship and Immigration Services) Processing Times 

Premium processing is recommended for all new cases. 

  • Under Premium Processing, USCIS will adjudicate the petition within 15 business days of Receipt at USCIS for an additional cost of $2,805.00
    • Please note that this does not include the time needed by ISSS to review the H-1B request materials, or the time it will take for delivery of the printed Approval Notice. 
    • Additionally, Premium Processing is not a guarantee of an Approval. USCIS could respond within 15 business days with a Request for Evidence, Approval, or Denial. 
  • Under Regular Processing, USCIS processing times fluctuate month to month. 

H-1B Application Instructions

Request access to iPenn:   iPenn access can only be granted to full-time staff, and only with authorization from your department chair/head.  In order to obtain iPenn access, University of Pennsylvania employees will log into Workday Learning, click “Browse Learning Content” and search for “iPenn eForm Training”. UPHS employees can access the training via the Learning Portal

After obtaining iPenn access:

  • Log into iPenn 
  • Choose “Add New Case” to add the beneficiary to Your iPenn Case List. 
  • To begin the H-1B Employee Application, click the beneficiary’s name in Your iPenn Case List. 
  • After you enter the employee’s name and email address for the Employee Data Form, an email will be sent to the employee with instructions to complete this form within 3 days. The employee will upload the required documents to their eForm. 
  • After completing all online forms, you must also submit the supporting materials to ISSS within 5 days by uploading each completed document to “eForm 5”.  Please note that the case will not be assigned to an ISSS Advisor until all required paper documents have been received at ISSS. 

Penn Internal Processing

Internal Processing Fee

  • The Penn Internal Processing Fee is $1,810.00
  • Note that a “late fee” of $750 will be charged for all H-1B cases that are initiated with ISSS with an employment start date that is two months (60 days) or less from the date of case submission. If the department must use a start date less than 60 days from the date of case submission, it should be cleared with the assigned ISSS advisor first. An additional $750 fee will be charged to the department in these cases.
  • Penn Departments must pay the Penn Internal Processing Fee using the 26-digit budget code. UPHS units may either provide a 6-digit cost center code or a check payable to the “Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania.”

NOTE: The Penn Internal Processing Fee will not be refunded once the internal processing begins at ISSS even if the department/scholar decides to withdraw the request for any reason at any stage of the process.

There are additional government filing fees that must be paid by check. Please see below for the check process

  • Department Filing Fee Responsibilities: The hiring department is responsible for paying all filing fees with the exception of any fees related to H-4 dependents. 
  • Premium Processing Payment Policy: The employee may pay the Premium Processing fee only if expedited Premium Processing is requested for personal reasons unrelated to employment. In such cases, the H-1B request packet sent to ISSS must come with a letter signed by the employee giving the reason for expedited processing.  All such requests are subject to review and approval by ISSS. 
  • Fee Payment Methods: All fees should be paid either by separate checks made payable to “US Department of Homeland Security” or by credit card. Questions regarding the process of requesting a university check should be directed to the Office of the Comptroller. For credit card payment, the department has to provide a completed G-1450 form.
  • Antifraud Fee Exception: The antifraud fee ($500) is not required to extend H-1B employment at Penn or change H-1B employment within Penn. 

Required Items from the Hiring Department

Required Items from the Hiring Department: After completing eForm 4, the hiring department must review and submit the supporting documentation listed below and upload each individual document to eForm 5. Please save a copy of materials and forms, including checks, submitted to ISSS for your records. 

Note: We no longer need the department to collect employee documents. The H-1B employee will upload copies of these documents when completing their portion of the eForm. 

Please review the below documents, have them completed and signed by the appropriate person/people, and upload them to eForm 5. 

  • H-1B Position Description 
  • Actual Wage Worksheet and Declaration 
  • Department Request Summary and Understanding of H-1B Employment 
  • Export Control Attestation Form (if SOM, SEAS, SON, SODM, SVM, SAS-Biology, SAS-Chemistry, SAS-Physics, SAS-Astronomy) 
  • If this is an initial H-1B for a post doc position, a copy of the J-1 Postdoc Policy Waiver/Exception Approval Notice 
  • If a staff position is being filled, a .PDF of the job posting from Workday, please follow these instructions: 
    • Navigate to the relevant job posting in Workday, click the printer icon in the upper corner and choose: 
      • Overview 
      • Details 
      • Requisition Compensation 
      • Organizations 
      • Qualifications 
        Then save as PDF and upload to eForm 5.

After uploading these documents to eform 5 and submitting the eform to ISSS, an advisor will be assigned to the case.

Government Filing Fees: Check Process

Check Printing Schedule: Accounts Payable assists ISSS and the Departments’ visa processing needs by printing Will Call checks only to the Department of Homeland Security. Checks will be printed each Tuesday on a weekly basis and will then be authorized for pick up by Penn Global staff only. They will be matched to your applications and will be submitted with the rest of your visa petition materials. 

Please note: For your checks to be printed and included in your visa petitions on-time, it is important that all the guidelines below are followed. If they are not, it may delay the submission of your visa applications.  

USCIS Filing Fees (separate checks made payable to “U.S. Department of Homeland Security”): 

  • $460 I-129 Filing Fee  
  • $500 Antifraud Fee (only required for the employee’s initial H-1B petition with Penn) 
  • $2,805 Premium Processing Fee 
  • All payment requests MUST be submitted as Non-PO Payment Requests through the Penn Marketplace. Login with PennKey here
  • Supplier: Department of Homeland Security 
  • In the Questions tab of the non-PO request, scroll down to the Invoice Details section. In the box labeled “Brief description of payment (40 character limitation), for utility payments please lead off description with the account #,” please type in the full name of the H-1B applicant FIRST. Do NOT write any words or numbers prior to listing the full name. If the H-1B applicant’s full name is not written first in the box, this will cause delays in processing since the applicant’s name will not correctly print onto the will-call check. 
  • On the Additional Information tab, make sure you submit for a Will Call 

Conditions & Reminders

Length of Stay

An H-1B petition may be approved for an initial maximum period of 3 years. Extensions of up to an additional 3 years may be obtained. Under normal circumstances, the maximum stay permitted in H-1B status is 6 years. This time limit is for all employment in H-1B status, regardless of employer.  

Note: H-1B periods requested should not exceed periods of funding availability. 

H-1B Extension Beyond 6 Years: It may be possible to request an H-1B extension beyond the 6-year limit for any time spent outside the US.  If applicable, a list of dates and location of travel with documentation, such as copies of entry and exit stamps in passport (preferred), travel itineraries, or frequent flyer mile postings, should be provided. 

Labor Certification Extension: It may also be possible to request an H-1B extension for up to one year beyond the 6-year limit if a Labor Certification Application or I-140 Immigrant Petition was filed on your behalf at least 365 days prior to the extension’s filing.  

I-140 Approved Extension: An extension for up to 3 years may be possible if the I-140 has been Approved. A copy of the Receipt or Approval Notice for any I-140 filed on the H-1B employee’s behalf and copies of any I-485 Applications filed for him/her or any dependent family members should be provided. 

Export Control Attestations

Per federal rules, all H-1B and O-1 petitions must include attestations regarding deemed exports.  

License Requirement: Penn must certify whether the University needs a license from the Federal government in order to allow the prospective H-1B or O-1 employee to access certain controlled technology or technical data.  

Exemptions: The licensing requirement affects only a small percentage of Penn’s international employees because most types of technology and technical data do not require a “deemed export” license or because one or more exemptions will apply. 

For more information on export control click here

Employment Restrictions

H-1B employment is specific to the employer, the particular position, department, location, number of hours worked, and duties.  The department must contact ISSS as soon as possible prior to any anticipated changes in the terms and conditions of employment. 

  • Employment with Another Department: H-1B employment authorized for Penn does not automatically allow employment with another department at Penn, at another location, or for a different employer.  Consult ISSS prior to changing the individual’s employment (even within Penn), such as change in title, degree required for position, number of hours worked, department, location, or position duties.
    • Amended Petition: In most cases, an amended petition will have to be filed with USCIS.
    • NOTE: failure to consult ISSS may put Penn and the individual employee at risk for sanctions and penalties by DHS and DOL.  
  • Honoraria and Payments: H-1B employees are not allowed to accept honoraria or payment from outside sources. 
  • H-1B Required Wage: The H-1B worker must be paid the “H-1B required wage” under the Immigration Act of 1990. The “H-1B required wage” for an H-1B employee must be the higher of the two wages:
    • the “actual wage”, the wage paid to similarly employed workers at Penn,
    • OR the “prevailing wage” paid to similarly employed workers in the metropolitan area as determined by DOL. 
  • Working Conditions: Employment of the H-1B employee may not adversely affect the working conditions of workers similarly employed in the department; nor is there at present a strike, lockout, or work stoppage in the department affecting such workers. 
  • Termination of Employment: The department must consult ISSS immediately if a decision is made to terminate employment prior to the expiration of H-1B approval. ISSS will then notify USCIS and DOL that the employment has been terminated in order to release the department of salary/payment obligations.  
  • Resignation Notification: If an employee resigns, the department must also notify ISSS immediately.  Consequences of failure to comply with H-1B Labor Condition Application requirements are severe, such as paying back wages for the duration of H-1B employment.  
  • Early Termination Notification: The department must notify ISSS immediately if the employment will be terminated early for any reason. 
  • Notice of LCA Filing: Upon review of the H-1B request packet, ISSS will forward a “Notice of (LCA) Filing” to the department contact person for immediate posting within the department.  If there is a regular work location in another place, additional posting may be required. 
  • Accuracy of Information: To be in compliance with DOL regulations, all information provided to ISSS should be accurate and up to date. 

H-1B Approval Documents & Employment Authorization

Once the H-1B Petition is Approved, USCIS will send an I-797 Approval Notice to ISSS. ISSS will notify the department contact person and H-1B Beneficiary (usually within 2-5 days of receipt) to arrange pick up of the H-1B approval package, containing the following: 

  • I-797 Notice of Approval 
  • Copy of the H-1B petition sent to USCIS 

Accuracy Check: The department should read the I-797 Approval Notice carefully for accuracy and, after copying the I-797 Notice for the records, send the documents to the H-1B employee to be kept in his/her possession.  

  • The department should provide the entire I-797 Notice to the employee and not remove the bottom portion. 

Filing Before Expiration: For individuals extending, changing to, or continuing H-1B status within the US, the H-1B petition must be properly filed with USCIS prior to the end of the H-1B’s currently valid nonimmigrant status in the US. Failure to maintain one’s valid nonimmigrant status may result in denial of the extension, change, or continuation of his/her nonimmigrant status in the US. 

  • Entering the US for H-1B: Individuals currently outside the US must wait to receive the I-797 Approval Notice from their department for their H-1B employment confirming that USCIS has approved Penn’s H-1B Petition for their employment, then obtain a US Entry Visa (citizens of Canada and Bermuda are not required to obtain H-1B visa stamps) from a US  Consulate.
    • Work Authorization and Status: Upon entry to the US for H-1B employment at Penn, the beneficiary may begin work once the start date has been reached. 
  • Current Nonimmigrant Status: Individuals currently working in another nonimmigrant status may only work under the terms and conditions of their current status. 
    • Removal from Payroll: Upon expiration of that authorization, an individual must be removed from payroll and may not continue to work.
    • Resumption of Employment: The individual may resume employment only upon Approval of the change of status to H-1B within the US. 
    • Consult ISSS for Travel: The individual should not travel outside the US until the H-1B petition has been approved.  If an individual must travel while the H-1B is pending, he/she must consult an advisor at ISSS for instructions. 
  • I-797 Receipt for Change of Employer: Individuals currently working for another employer in H-1B status cannot begin work with Penn until the I-797 Receipt Notice from USCIS has been received by Penn. The Receipt Notice serves to verify proper filing of the H-1B Petition.
    • Changing H-1B Employers: Those changing H-1B employers must continue employment with their current H-1B sponsor until the H-1B Petition is filed with USCIS. 

One of the following documents verifies one’s eligibility to work for specific employment connected to H-1B Petition: 

  • Valid I-797 H-1B Approval Notice with valid I-94 card at the bottom 
  • Valid I-94 Admission Record showing valid entry into the US under H-1B status 

Change of Employee’s Address

For information visit the Change of Address section. 

Continuation, Change & End of Employment

Continuation of Employment

Continuation of Employment: If the department wishes to extend the employment beyond the current H-1B authorization and the employee is eligible for additional time, a new H-1B request must be completed and submitted with appropriate fees to ISSS.  

Advance Submission: It is recommended that the department submit the extension 6-7 months in advance but no later than 90 days prior to the current H-1B expiration date.  

Responsibility for Filing Extension: It is ultimately the responsibility of the employee and the department to be aware of the expiration date and to file an extension in a timely manner.  

ISSS Processing Time: ISSS requires a minimum of 4 weeks to process H-1B extensions and cannot compensate for untimely filing on the part of the department.  

Payroll and Expiration: Note that an employee must be taken off payroll if their current H-1B expires and the extension has not been submitted to USCIS. 

Change of Employer

If an individual is already in the US in H-1B status but is sponsored by another employer and wishes to start employment at Penn, the Penn hiring department must submit a new H-1B request packet to ISSS. 

Work Authorization After Filing: In these cases, the prospective employee can begin work at Penn once the H-1B petition is properly filed with USCIS, as evidenced by the H-1B Receipt Notice from USCIS

Denied Petition Consequences: However, if Penn’s H-1B Petition is later denied, the beneficiary must stop working immediately. 

End of Employment

The department must submit the “H-1B Cessation of Employment” eForm in iPenn prior to the end of the employee’s authorized H-1B dates.  

Notify USCIS and Withdraw LCA: USCIS will be notified, and the LCA will be withdrawn. 

Return Fare Requirement: If the employment is terminated prior to the expiration of the H-1B employment authorization as listed on the I-797 Notice, the University is obligated by law to pay for the H-1B employee’s return fare to his/her home country. The department must bear the cost of return fare in such a case.  

Consult ISSS if Employment Ends: The H-1B employee should consult an ISSS advisor if his/her H-1B employment with Penn ends for any reason, including voluntary resignation.  

Please note: Overstaying one’s authorized period of stay in the US by even one day can have serious adverse consequences for those in H-1B status. 

Additional Record Keeping Requirement for Part-Time H-1B Employment

Record Keeping Requirement: The department is required to keep records of “hours worked each day and each week” for part-time H-1B employees, even if a fixed salary is paid.

Record Retention Period: These records must be kept on file in the department for at least one-year following H-1B employment per DOL regulations. 

Living Expense Documentation: If part-time wages are not enough to sustain living expenses for the individual and any dependents, documentation to demonstrate that the employee is able to cover living expenses should be submitted. 

Temporary Leave of H-1B Employee

Continued Employment Requirement: Department of Labor requires that persons in H-1B status be continually employed. Voluntary, temporary leave, based on personal reason is available. 

Leave Notification: If an H-1B employee requires a temporary leave the Notification for Temporary Leaveshould be downloaded and completed.  

Travel in H-1B Status

Pre-Travel Consultation: H-1B employees should always consult ISSS before traveling outside the US.  

Change of Status Warning: Employees requesting a change of status to H-1B (and H-4) within the US should not leave the US while the Petition is pending at USCIS. USCIS considers leaving the US while the Petition is pending to be an abandonment of the petition. 

For more information visit the Travel section. 

H-4 Dependent Status

ISSS may include a Form I-539 with the primary H-1B petition when filing with USCIS. Please note that ISSS is not responsible for the content of a dependent’s I-539 Application to Extend/Change Status. It is the I-539 applicant’s (i.e. not ISSS) responsibility to prepare this application for filing and ensure its contents are accurate and correct.

  • Please contact your assigned H-1B adviser to arrange for the delivery of your completed I-539 application and supporting documents to ISSS’ office.

Eligibility for H-4 Status: The spouse and unmarried children under 21 years of age of H-1B employees are eligible for H-4 dependent status.

To obtain H-4 status, a dependent must either:

  • Form I-539 Filing: Change Status by filing Form I-539.  H-4 approval documents will usually be sent directly by USCIS to the home address listed on the I-539.
  • Consular Processing: Apply for an Entry Visa at a US Consulate abroad. In this case, Form I-539 and dependent fee should NOT be included with the H-1B petition. Once the H-1B petition has been approved, the H-4 dependents can apply for their H-4 visa at a US Consulate overseas prior to entering the US.

Program Duration: The duration of the H-1B status holder’s program is stated on the I-797 and the I-94.  If the H-1B is eligible and applies for an extension of stay, the H-4 dependent may also apply for an extension by filing Form I-539 with the USCIS. This form can be filed concurrently with the H-1B’s extension or separately, as long as it is before the expiration of H-4 status.


Work Authorization Restriction: Most H-4 dependents are not authorized to work in the US.  However, in some situations involving a pending application for Permanent Residence or a 6th-year H-1B extension, H-4 dependents may be eligible to apply for an Employment Authorization Document.  Please see here for further information.  


Study Eligibility: H-4 dependents may study in the US, as long as their primary purpose in the US is to accompany the H-1B status holder.  The duration of their study is dependant on the H-1B’s period of stay.

A child may not continue to hold H-4 status upon reaching his or her 21st birthday