J-1 Student Intern Program
Eligibility & Program Details
- The prospective J-1 Student Intern must be currently enrolled and pursuing a degree (e.g. Bachelor’s, Master’s, or Doctorate) at an accredited post-secondary academic institution outside the US.
- The J-1 Student Internship must be carried out pursuant to an official Student Intern Placement Agreement. Click here for the agreement template created by the Office of General Counsel.
- The Agreement should be signed by a full-time Penn faculty and the prospective Student Intern’s overseas school administrator.
- The template content should not be altered, except for the blank fields.
- The J-1 Student Intern category is not available to individuals who have graduated.
- The prospective J-1 Student Intern must be in good academic standing with the post-secondary academic institution where s/he is currently enrolled.
- The prospective J-1 Student Intern must return to his/her home institution outside the U.S. after the internship to complete their degree.
- The prospective J-1 Student Intern must be accepted into an approved student internship program at Penn, rather than to engage in employment or provide services to Penn.
- The prospective J-1 Student Intern must have “verifiable English skills sufficient to function on a day-to-day basis” at Penn as evidence by a reputable English language test, e.g. TOEFL or through an interview by the Penn Department via Skype or phone.
- The hosting department must have plans in place for the J-1 Student Intern to participate in American cultural activities as required by the J-1 Federal Regulations.
Duration and Hours
Per J-1 Federal Regulations:
- The J-1 Student Intern may participate in a student internship program for up to 12 months for each degree level.
- Extensions beyond 12 months are not possible.
- The internship must be a minimum of 32 hours per week.
Appropriate Activities and Location
- The internship at Penn must fulfill the educational objectives for the J-1 Student Intern’s current degree program at his/her home institution overseas.
- The internship must expose the J-1 Student Intern to American techniques, methodologies, and technology, expand upon the participant’s existing knowledge and skills, and not duplicate the J-1 Student Intern’s prior experience. All internship tasks assigned must be necessary for the completion of the student internship program.
- J-1 Student Intern’s program activities will be strictly limited to the activities outlined on the Student Intern’s DS-7002 T/IPP (see information below).
- The J-1 Student Intern activities must occur on the Penn premises (i.e. Penn’s Philadelphia campus, and not outside Penn’s campus).
- The J-1 Student Intern must not accept any additional employment or volunteer activities outside the Student Intern duties and responsibilities.
- The internship tasks may consist of no more than 20 percent clerical work and must consist of work-based learning, rather than ordinary employment or unskilled labor.
- Internship must exist solely to assist the Student Intern in achieving their program objectives.
- Internships cannot place a J-1 Student Intern in the following positions:
- Unskilled or casual labor
- Childcare or elder care
- Aviation
- Clinical positions or engaging in any other kind of work that involves patient care or contact (not even animals), including any work that would require student interns to provide therapy, medication, or other clinical or medical care
- also including sports or physical therapy, psychological counseling, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, social work, speech therapy, or early childhood education
Funding Requirements
- A minimum of $28,078 per year ($2,340 per month) must be evidenced to sponsor a J-1 Student Intern at Penn.
- The J-1 Student Intern may participate in the internship with or without wages from Penn but must evidence either personal/family funding or funding from a third-party source.
- Additional funding must be evidenced for J-2 dependents ($6,000/year for spouse and $4000 for each child) including requisite health insurance costs.
Application Process and Guidelines
iPenn Application and DS-7002, T/IPP (Internship Placement Plan)
- Please read and print the Application Process & Checklist before proceeding to iPenn.
- Hosting department submits application for Student Intern through iPenn.
- After the department submits a J-1 Student Intern eform request in iPenn, ISSS will draft Form DS-7002 based on the Student Intern Placement Agreement and submitted eforms.
- ISSS will email Form DS-7002 to the J-1 Student Intern and the hosting department to review and sign the DS-7002.
- The J-1 Student Intern must sign Form DS-7002 and then email the signed copy to the Penn faculty mentor.
- Once signed by the Penn faculty mentor the hosting department should email the fully signed DS-7002 to ISSS Specialist assigned to the case for Form DS-2019 issuance.
- The DS-7002 with all three original signatures will be emailed to the J-1 applicant along with Form DS-2019, both of which are required for the J visa application and interview at the overseas US Consulate.
- Citizens of Canada and Bermuda are exempt from the J-1 visa requirement; however, must present both DS-7002 and DS-2019 at the port of entry into the U.S.
NOTE: Each signatory must keep a copy of the Form DS-7002.
- Penn Processing Fee is $700 with an additional rush fee of $500 for cases with a program start date that is less than 30 days from the date of case submission.
- SEVIS Fee: Instructions will be emailed to the J-1 Student Intern with the DS-7002 and DS-2019 about how to pay the SEVIS fee which is required as part of the visa interview.
Maintenance of J-1 visa status
The J-1 Student Intern must take care during his/her stay in the US to maintain lawful J-1 status; failure to do so will have serious short-term and long-term consequences.
Here are some simple steps the J-1 Student Intern can take to ensure that their stay in the US remains valid:
- Do not accept unauthorized employment. The only activity the J-1 Student Intern is permitted to do is the one described on the DS-2019 at the site of activity indicated in box 1.
- Be aware of the DS-2019 expiration date. Any requests for extensions beyond the current end date must be submitted by the Penn host department at least 6 weeks prior to the DS-2019 form’s expiration date.
- Keep the passport valid. Passports can be renewed by the J-1 Student Intern’s home country consulate in New York or Philadelphia or by the embassy in Washington, DC. The DOS maintains a complete list of Foreign Embassies in the U.S.
- Make sure the J-1 I-94 is always marked “J-1” and “D/S.” www.cbp.gov/I94 Should the I-94 contain any errors by an immigration officer, immediately contact ISSS.
- Comply with federal health insurance requirements (see section below for details) for J-1 Student Intern and accompanying J-2 dependents. Willful disregard of these requirements will result in termination of the J-1 program and his/her legal J-1 status in the U.S.
- Report any address change to ISSS. The J-1 Student Interns are required to report change of address to the Department of Homeland Security within 10 days of moving; J-1 Student Interns can update changes to their US residential address, email or phone number in their iPenn record.
Mandatory Health Insurance Requirement
All J-1 and J-2 status holders must carry adequate health insurance coverage, as mandated by the U.S. J-1 Federal Regulations.
Each J-1 Student Intern must secure insurance coverage for him/herself and J-2 dependents. if any, for the duration of the J-1 Student Intern program.
Insurance coverage must meet the following criteria:
- Medical coverage of at least $100,000 per accident or illness.
- Medical evacuation must be covered in the amount of at least $50,000.
- Repatriation must be covered in the amount of at least $25,000.
- The deductible must not exceed $500 per accident or illness.
- Any coinsurance requirement cannot exceed 25%
- The carrier must be at least A- rated or backed by the full faith and credit of the Exchange Visitor’s home government.
- ALL J-1 Student Interns are required to either:
- For questions regarding coverage or which plan is more appropriate, J-1 Student Interns should contact Gallagher directly.
Please note that willful failure to comply with these insurance requirements will result in termination of the Exchange Visitor’s program.
Evaluation Form
- The internship supervisor and the J-1 Student Intern must complete the J-1 Student Intern Evaluation Form.
- For internships lasting less than 6 months, one final evaluation is required.
- For internships lasting more than 6 months, two evaluations are required
- A midpoint evaluation
- A final evaluation
- All evaluations must be sent to ISSS within 5 business days of the end date of the J-1 Student Intern’s program at Penn.
- If a Penn department violates the J-1 Student Intern evaluation requirements, the department will be barred from hosting any J-1 Student Interns for 12 months.
Grace Period after Completion of Stay
- J-1 Student Interns are afforded a 30-day grace period to leave the US upon early completion of the program or the end date or the DS-2019 end date, whichever is earlier.
- Please be advised that the J-1/J-2 may not leave the US during the grace period and re-enter as J-1/J-2 using Form DS-2019.
- The grace period cannot be used to extend the J-1 activity either at Penn or elsewhere.