Travel Info: F-1 Students

By: ISSS Staff – 2024/11/20

As Thanksgiving and winter break approaches, we are writing to provide reminders regarding international travel. 

When you return to the U.S., you will present the following documents to the CBP Officer:

  1. Valid passport
  2. Printed out Form I-20 with travel signature*
  3. Valid F-1 entry visa** (Citizens of Canada and Bermuda do not require an F-1 entry visa)
  4. Valid EAD card and job offer letter (if you have one)– ONLY for students on OPT / STEM OPT

If there are changes to US re-entry policies which may possibly occur during a change in administration, we will provide updates as needed. To avoid any unexpected issues, we advise returning prior to the presidential inauguration on 1/20/2025.

It is also possible that your electronic devices may be searched at the US Border. Any compromising information may be used as a reason to deny entry.

BEFORE you travel, confirm the following:

*Do you have a valid travel signature from ISSS on your Form I-20 (page 2)?

**Will your F-1 Visa be valid upon re-entry? If you need to apply for a new visa to return to the U.S.:

In addition, please be aware of potential scams targeting the international community and review these safety guidelines from Penn’s Division of Public Safety.

If you have any questions or concerns after reading, please consulate our travel page or contact your ISSS Advisor by email (see iPenn for your advisor’s name and contact information).