On-Campus Employment
On-Campus Employment
View the topics below for general guidelines in seeking and obtaining on-campus employment at Penn. The rules for F-1 and J-1 On-Campus Employment differ in some ways. Please read the instructions carefully.
What is On-Campus Employment?
Employment on Penn’s premises for which you receive a paycheck or other compensation (e.g. room & board) from Penn.
Other Employment on Penn’s Premises (includes work on campus for outside contractor if work provides direct services to students. Check with ISSS first.)
Certain off-campus employment (where an official relationship between Penn & the employer exists)
What is NOT considered On-Campus Employment?
Not all Penn Affiliates or Entities are considered on-campus employment:
- Examples, not inclusive, of non-Penn sites: The Wistar Institute, CHOP, Unique Advantage, International House, Monell, Chemical Heritage Foundation, Red and Blue Call Center
- When eligible, additional authorization may be obtained from ISSS to work at these non-Penn sites. Contact your ISSS advisor for further details.
Your I-20/DS-2019 must be sponsored by Penn; and
You must be attending Penn and maintaining your visa status.
ISSS Authorization for J-1 Students
J-1 Students require written permission from ISSS before beginning to work. Please complete the following and submit it to ISSS:
F-1 students does not require ISSS authorization.
Work Hours
Work hours must not exceed 20 hours per week while school is in session. You may work more than 20 hours per week only in these cases:
- During school breaks (e.g. Spring break or Thanksgiving)
- During vacation periods (e.g. summer – unless first or last semester at Penn)
Working a Off-Campus Sites
DHS (Department of Homeland Security) regulations allow off-site work provided:
- Location is educationally affiliated with Penn and work is associated with Penn’s established curriculum
- OR work is related to a graduate level research project which the university has contracted to perform (i.e. related to contractually funded research projects at the post-graduate level)
- The work must also be an integral or important part of your program of study.
- Clear documentation about the relationship between Penn and the employer is required. Please consult with an ISSS advisor for clearance in advance.
Still Unsure?
If you are uncertain whether any proposed employment would qualify as “on-campus” employment as described above, please consult with ISSS prior to accepting the employment.
Webinar Sessions
ISSS conducts On-campus employment webinars on a regular basis. Join us live or watch a recorded session