By: Grace Choi, CAS ’23

Grace working from home in New Jersey

Orion Organisation – South Africa

Now that it’s been a few weeks into my internship, I can confidently say that the idea of a remote internship for a global organization is a lot less complicated than I had originally in mind. In all honesty, I was unsure how it was going to go, how I was going to get acclimated to a new culture without being able to step my own two feet in the country I was assigned to, and how I would have to schedule my time taking into consideration the time difference among other logistical factors. In reality, I was able to develop my own schedule and check in with my deliverables to keep not only myself accountable but also update my supervisor on my progress.

This summer, I am interning for Orion Organisation, an NGO dedicated to serving citizens in South Africa living with physical, mental, intellectual, and/or neurological disabilities. By providing professional, therapeutic, and development services, Orion works to create a future and allow individuals to reach their full potential while simultaneously providing maximum support.

My supervisor has been very supportive and helpful as I began the process of navigating the NGO world. The entire system is very new to me, let alone in America, but realizing the larger implications on a global scale has allowed me to be more cognizant of how important it is to have a foundational understanding of how these organizations work and function. I have also been able to see a bit of what happens inside Orion and how important my contribution and independent research will be for the long-term success of the organization and the community at large.

Every time we meet on zoom or correspond via email, my supervisor and I crack jokes back and forth about how insane it would be to meet in person, whether that be finding myself in the beautiful city of Atlantis in South Africa or for him to visit and travel around New York City. But at the end of the day, I am immensely grateful for the ability to conduct this work regardless of how far away I physically am from South Africa and thankful for the opportunity from VIA through Penn. Here’s to another week of exciting work ahead!

The Virtual Internships Abroad (VIA) program provides self-directed and motivated Penn undergraduate students the opportunity to gain a fully funded professional work experience over the summer with a global employer, with the added convenience of working remotely.

VIA Program Information