By: Zarah Huo, Nursing ’25

SA: University of Queensland, Australia

Zarahone of the Semester Abroad Global Correspondents, shares her experience abroad during the Fall 2024 semester. Follow along with the group of correspondents on our blog and look out for their images on the @pennabroad Instagram feed.

While my friends often debate whether I am an introvert or extrovert, I like to say it depends on the season, haha! And this season, I wanted to be an extrovert! I knew that my time in Australia snorkelingwas  limited, so I wanted to make the most of it. But making friends in a new country, let alone a new university, is, honestly, pretty intimidating and scary.  

However, it was through getting out of my comfort zone that I met my best friends here and took part in experiences that past me would marvel at. When a friend asked me to learn how to scuba dive with her, I was initially perplexed as this was not on my bucket list at the moment. But, why not? I still vividly remember the first time I dove 30+ feet into the ocean and hyperventilated for a solid five minutes as I was not used tofish breathing underwater or being that deep in the ocean. Despite this initial terrifying experience, my friends and I obtained our scuba diving certifications and were able to dive with beautiful coral and marine life at the Great Barrier Reef. This is one of many moments when past me would’ve backed out of something due to nervousness or fear. So, if there’s a little voice in your head telling you that you can’t do it, to that, I say, “You can!” 

However, while stepping out of your comfort zone often leads you to exciting experiences, it is also important to know when to say “no.” Now, remember early in the season when I said I wanted to be an extrovert. Well… I found that the season quickly changed when I became overwhelmed by the academic commitments, club events, travel destinations, and friends I wanted to spend time with. After all, we only have a limited amount of time and energy abroad. And if you’re seasonally introverted like I am or simply just an introvert, then that social battery and energy only lasts so long. So, while it can be easy to get caught up in trying to make the most of your time abroad, remember that it’s okay to say “no” once in a while. And even though a semester abroad often feels very short, it is a long time to juggle traveling, making new friends, and adjusting to a new culture. So, one piece of advice to anyone studying abroad: Say yes! …most of the time. 

The Study Abroad (SA) program offers undergraduate students the opportunity to study in a new global community through extended study for a semester or year. Penn Abroad partners with top institutions around the globe and collaborates with Penn’s undergraduate schools to offer programs for students across academic disciplines.

SA Program Information