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A Taste of Ireland

By: Rachael Chansler, Nursing ’23 Rachael enjoying a plate of boxty while working on the literature review for the project.  Nursing Research in Dublin – Ireland This summer, I had the privilege of working with an amazing team based out of Trinity College Dublin. Professor Eimear McGlinchey, my PI, and Holley Dennehy and Andrew Allen,…

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Reconnecting With My Motherland

By: Brian Vu, CAS ’22 Brian’s workspace for the duration of his internship. Hanoi University of Public Health – Vietnam As a Vietnamese person born and raised in the United States (or Việt kiều as the locals call it, which translates to “overseas Vietnamese”), the only times I have traveled to my motherland were during…

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A Fortnight More

By: Rachael Chansler, Nursing ’23 Rachel’s computer screen waiting for the webinar, the learning, and the music to begin. Nursing Research in Dublin – Ireland The summer seems to still have barely begun. The kids I babysit seem to have barely grown. The summer league I joined seems to barely have started. Yet the end…

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Holidays, Coffee, and New Faces

By: Kaitlyn McGeehan, Nursing ’23 Kaitlyn preparing for her weekly coffee chat. Nursing Research in Dublin – Ireland In the virtual setting, I learned that it is a challenge for me to let my social personality come through along with my serious academic side.  One way that Trinity College has allowed my peers and me…

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A Great Beginning

By: Lejia Zhao, SEAS ’23 Lejia working at a desk at home National University of Singapore I applied to the GRIP program because I was very intrigued by the idea of doing research with a professor from another world-renowned institution with potentially very different perspectives than that of Penn. I wanted to get to know what…

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Settling In

By: Helen Lortie, SEAS ’24 A photo of the sunset in Germany sent to Helen by her exchange “buddy.”  RWTH Aachen University – Germany When I first learned about the GRIP Program in the fall of 2020 I was immediately drawn to it. One of my main goals for my time at Penn has been…

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Brilliant Bones & Health

By: Angela Ding, Nursing ’23 Learning about men’s health disparities, their fracture risk, and associated osteoporosis in men with intellectual disability in Ireland Nursing Research in Dublin – Ireland My first few days as an intern have been much different than expected, but still incredibly enjoyable. As far as Zoom meetings go, I have to…

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The Freedom of a Virtual Experience

By: Breanna Trainor, Nursing ’22 Meeting with the team from the balcony in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Nursing Research in Dublin – Ireland I am currently participating in the GRIP Nursing Research Program at the Trinity College of Dublin (TCD) in Ireland. I decided to apply because the opportunity to spend a summer abroad in…

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The Beginning of Virtual Research Abroad

By: Olivia Meuser, CAS ’22 Nursing Research in Dublin – Ireland As a rising senior who did not get an abroad experience because of COVID-19, I decided to apply to a GRIP program. Luckily, GRIP offered many programs that I was interested in, but I felt particularly drawn to  Trinity College Dublin’s research programs. As…

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Making a Plan and Carrying it Through

By: Kaitlyn McGeehan, Nursing ’23 An Image of the Old Library at Trinity College Dublin that the program director used as her Zoom on orientation day. Nursing Research in Dublin – Ireland I have always been a planner.  If you ask me where I see myself five years from now, I could guarantee you that I…