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Engineering & Health Sciences Student Highlights

By: Erin Feeney, Penn Abroad Graduate Assistant Ruth Lee (left) at the World Medical Association Our Global Research and Internship Program (GRIP) is accepting applications until January 7, 2021! Through GRIP, Penn students can apply to intern or conduct research with one of dozens of organizations based around the world in more than 20 countries.…

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Important Lessons

By: Selene Li, CAS ’22 Selene at the Fushimi Inari-taisha shrine in Kyoto Campbell Lab at University of Tokyo – Japan Penn Abroad Leader Selene Li, reflects on her experience and offers key lessons and advice for making the most of your time abroad. Make the most of each day When I compare my eight…

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The Interview

By: Neelu Paleti, CAS ’21 Neelu (right) conducting fieldwork in Sri Lanka with a fellow research assistant from Sri Lanka. International Center for Ethnic Studies – Kandy, Sri Lanka Despite the wind blowing around me, beads of sweat formed on my forehead as I sat waiting for my first interview. This wasn’t like any of the previous…

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An Open and Fair Society

By: Mariana Velasco, Huntsman ’22 University of Minho Law School – Braga, Portugal As an intern at the Law School at the University of Minho I have been able to work in multiple projects, but I would like to focus on my favorite one so far. The first couple of weeks I had the incredible…

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Old and New

By: Mark Lis, CAS ’21 Mark (front row, second from left) and friends at the Jerusalem Light Festival Bar Ilan University – Tel Aviv, Israel For my GRIP internship I worked in a molecular biology lab focusing on mRNA expression under stress conditions in Bar Ilan University in Ramat Gan, Israel. While my research was not connected…

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Changing My Career Outlook

By: Selene Li, CAS ’22 Selene posing in a traditional Japanese yukata University of Tokyo – Japan Before coming to Japan for my research internship, I did not have that much interest in wet lab research. The idea of pipetting solutions with complicated names and helping a postdoc do the work that they did not…

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On the Road to Sanyang

By: Anjalee Bhuyan, CAS ’22 Anjalee (third from left) shares a meal between conducting surveys in The Gambia Gambia Goat Dairy – Banjul, Gambia Conducting a baseline nutrition survey in the village community Sanyang, The Gambia was the goal of my two-month internship, so seeing the culmination of my efforts over the course of the summer…

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A Day in the Life

By: Neelima Paleti, CAS ’21 Neelima Paleti conducting fieldwork in Wahalkada, a small village in Sri Lanka International Center for Ethnic Studies – Kandy, Sri Lanka Sitting on the bumpy back of a bus with the dry air of Sri Lanka blowing against my face, I typed “Wahalkada” into Google Maps on my phone. I…

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My New Roots

By: Melissa Sullivan, Nursing ’20 Melissa (left) with fellow GRIP students Anna Bennett, Jessica Korducki, and Nora Hennessy Trinity College Dublin – Ireland With the last name Sullivan, it is pretty clear I have some Irish ancestry. Besides listening to Celtic Woman and going to Irish shows every once in a while, though, I never…

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An Ode to Nero Arancio

By: Abigail Poteshman, CAS ’20 International Centre for Theoretical Physics – Trieste, Italy While normally a chocolate purist, the nero arancio gelato at Gelato Marco in Trieste, Italy has converted me. It is unquestionably the greatest gelato I have ever tasted. Nero is the Italian word for black but is often a synecdoche for different…