Virtual Internships Abroad

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Career Path Clarity

By: Shaila Lothe, CAS/Wharton ’22 When GRIP 2020 was canceled, I was disappointed that my startup internship in Medellín, Colombia could no longer happen. Instead of an exciting new country, I would spend my summer in Philadelphia. Despite deciding to accept an alternative virtual placement in Chile, I was worried that I would miss out on…

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Overcoming Challenges and Accomplishing Goals

By: Nikolas Mihailidis, SEAS ’23 This internship has added a lot of value and challenge to an otherwise uneventful summer at home. This summer was one filled with uncertainty and doubt. Due to the extended quarantine, most of my time was to be spent at home, and thus, the internship was a very fulfilling way…

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Obstacles and Growth

By: Anna Jiang, SEAS ’23 It’s March 2020, and my summer is looking absolutely fantastic. Me, a freshman who (let’s face it) never really knows what’s going on in her life, now has plans to intern in Seoul, Korea for two months. Two months in another country, living alone, soaking up the culture, and experiencing new…

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The Challenge of Flexibility

By: Angelina Oh, CAS ’23 This pandemic has brought forth many unprecedented challenges and experiences into our daily lives. Given the current circumstances, navigating this remote internship was challenging and rewarding in its own unique ways. I was grateful to even have this opportunity to continue learning and growing through new experiences over the summer,…

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Unexpectedly Global Summer

By: Laura Rono, CAS ’22 Since Manna Project International is an organization based in Sangolqui, Ecuador, I expected my experience to be global in the sense that it would allow me to interact mainly with Ecuadorians. This was truly the case, but the global nature also included other aspects such as language exchanges with Ecuadorian community…

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Virtually Interning at a Singaporean Startup

By: Brandy Yuan, SEAS ’23 When I first heard that my GRIP engineering internship in Shenzhen had been canceled back in February, I was saddened but not surprised given the escalating severity of the virus. My placement was subsequently relocated to Seoul, though it too was canceled as the virus continued to progress. Despite the…

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Adapting to a New Normal

By: Jeffrey Fishman, CAS ’23 When I first received the email that the Global Research & Internship (GRIP) would be cancelled for the 2020 summer cycle, I was very upset. My hard work creating my application materials and interviewing for the program seemed like it was all for nothing, as I would no longer be…

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A New Type of Summer Abroad

By: Zöe Patterson, Wharton ’23 My plan? Live and work in Italy for 2 months. What happened? A pandemic! I’d known about my acceptance to the Global Research & Internship Program (GRIP): Arts & Hospitality in Florence, Italy program for less than two weeks before it was canceled. I had asserted my flexibility and open…

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Striking a Balance

By: Jerry Cai, CAS ’23 I knew back in April that balancing two internships and one online summer class would make one intense summer. My PURM research project required large chunks of time to debug parts of python code, a language I was just starting to learn. Additionally, I was the primary person responsible for…

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Navigating Latin America From My Bedroom

By: Nikhil Gupta, Huntsman ’22 Nikhil (top right) and his project team celebrating after a successful presentation As I near the end of my time with Almado as a Business Analyst, I am cherishing every moment with my wonderful colleagues. After an abroad semester at the University of Barcelona which abruptly cut short in March…
