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What I’m Grateful for So Far

By: Ruth Oyerokun Waiheke Island   Now that I have spent two weeks in New Zealand, I feel more confident in this new environment and grateful for memories that have made my time here meaningful. I want to share with you the people and places that I appreciate most. First, my host mom, Deborah, has…

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The Birds of Aotearoa

By: Helena Saven Picture of Helena with the tūī mural described in Queenstown Having now spent two months living in Aotearoa New Zealand, I have fallen in love with so much of the local fauna, especially the native bird populations. I’m someone who has always felt a connection to wildlife and an appreciation for seeing…

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Cancer Patients with ID

By: Kennedy Smihula This internship was able to exceed any expectations that I had and I have learned more than I could have ever imagined. The first week was a little daunting on what the work for the duration of our time here would entail. However, I quickly realized that my education at Penn had…

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Surveys and Subtleties

By: Amanda He The Trinity Centre for Ageing and Intellectual Disability! During my weeks researching at the Trinity Center for Aging and Intellectual Disability (TCAID), I’ve been able to learn quite a bit about the different ways that research is conducted. One such aspect of research that I’ve been able to learn about and see…

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Home Away from Home

By: Amanda Moore Amanda at the Cliffs of Moher When faced with the decision on housing in Dublin for my summer GRIP research placement, I weighed the options of independent living vs. a homestay. I originally preferred the idea of living on my own, but I warmed to the idea of a homestay after my…

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The Importance of Nursing Research

By: Amanda Moore The view of the Irish Sea   As my time in Dublin comes to a close, I am beginning to reflect back on my internship experience with Trinity College Dublin’s School of Nursing. I had the opportunity to spend 8 weeks supporting a project focused on implementing palliative care into the intensive…

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You can’t buy happiness but you can buy a ticket to Singapore

By: Cindy Su This past summer was a whirlwind of experiences—humid, vibrant, unexpected, liberating, adventurous, spontaneous, tiring, exhilarating, and incredibly fulfilling. It was filled with incredible food, even more incredible people, and countless iced kopis (just $1 compared to the $5 Starbucks vanilla sweet cream cold brew, and so much more flavorful). As someone who…

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A Summer in Singapore at NUS

By: Chloe Ng Participating in the GRIP program in Singapore through the SERIUS program at NUS was an incredible experience that allowed me to conduct research in a new country, opening doors to new learning opportunities and providing me with a unique global perspective. Engaging in research in a different environment pushed me to adapt…

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My First Week in Grenoble

By: Luca Thorson GRIP: Engineering Research in Grenoble My first weekend in Grenoble, I decided to do a hike, since that is one of the city’s biggest draws. I’m not the most avid hiker but I enjoy it and figured I could handle most anything fairly easily, so I found a hike in a nearby…

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Summer Research Experience Abroad in Aachen

By: Saw Nwe, SEAS ’27 Sparklers with Saw’s lab to celebrate the Fourth of July GRIP: Engineering Research in Aachen, Germany My engineering research internship in Aachen, Germany was at a biomaterials lab at Uniklinik, the university’s hospital, alongside four other interns (two also from Penn Bioengineering!) in the RWTH University’s summer program (Undergraduate Research…