Penn Global Seminars More than K-Pop & K-Dramas: Ready to Explore the Rich History and Vibrant Culture of Korea

May 22, 2024
By Cosette Burrese, CAS '26

PGS: Korean Language & Culture - Beginning Korean II or Intermediate Korean II

Cosette, one of the PGS Correspondents, shares her experience abroad during the Spring 2024 semester. Follow along with the group of correspondents on our blog and look out for their images on the @pennabroad Instagram feed.

I’m just about ready to fly to Seoul, South Korea with my Korean Language class for my Penn Global Seminar, and honestly, I couldn’t be more excited! Being half Korean, I’ve always had this personal connection to Korea through family and stories, but much of what I know has also been shaped by K-dramas and K-pop, not to mention the bits of history and culture I've learned in class. While in class, we talk a lot about Korean culture and even learn words and phrases that really only make sense in a Korean context. This trip is my chance to connect all of these dots, to see firsthand to experience Korea outside of the classroom, as well as putting my language skills to the real test.

To prepare for my trip, we have had the amazing opportunity to speak with real Korean university students over zoom throughout the Semester. This language exchange has helped me practice my Korean consistently with a native speaker as well as learn about Korean culture from a student who is also my age. I’ve been thinking back to these exchanges and making note of must-dos and important information to know about Korea. My language partner really wanted me to go to a 편의점 (Korean convenience store) so I made note of the different items that I wanted to try while in Korea.

There’s so much I’m eager to explore. Food is definitely high on the list—I can almost taste the kimchi and street food snacks already. We’ve been told our hotel is right in Myeongdong, a part of the city that is full of street food stalls, which is definitely a highlight for me. But it’s not just about the new experiences. This trip is also a dive into the rich tapestry of history and tradition that my family is a part of. We are traveling to lots of historical sites and visiting a couple museums while we are there. I am eager to see the traditional aspects and history of Korea that often aren’t shown as frequently in the media.

I chose to enroll in this Penn Global Seminar to blend my academic interests with my personal heritage. Korea’s unique mix of tradition and innovation is fascinating to me, academically and personally. I’m excited to explore these contrasts, seeing how the historical aspects I’ve learned about in class play out in modern Korean society. I also think this is an amazing opportunity for me to connect with my cultural background while making amazing memories with my classmates.

As our departure nears, I’m feeling excitement. I can’t wait to share this journey with you all through stories and photos!

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Penn Global Seminars combine intensive semester-long study with a short-term travel component that deepens your understanding of concepts discussed in the classroom. Courses options are available for Penn undergraduate students across majors and years.