Wharton & SEAS '23 Yaaseen Mahomed

SA: Pompeu Fabra University, Spain


  • SA: Pompeu Fabra University, Spain

Ask me about...

  • Going abroad without knowing the language / learning the language in a very short amount of time

  • Recruiting while abroad

  • Being an international student going abroad even though studying at Penn is "studying abroad"

  • Financial aid and study abroad

My Experience Abroad:

My program abroad allowed me to take classes on international business and urban development with students from all over the world. In one of my classes, every single student was from a different country, so the depth of the exchanges and discussions was incredible. I took a class on Spanish history, which is completely outside my major, and this made me realize what I want to research for my thesis from a Computer Science perspective. It also opened me up to many careers and the startup space in Spain that I am very excited to engage further with as I start my career.

Other Highlights:

  • Celebrating the Carnaval festival in Sitges with my local Catalan friends

  • Exploring the protest theater scene in Barcelona

  • Backpacking through Europe on $15 flights

  • Becoming really close friends with other Penn people abroad, as well as Europeans studying at the university

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