
You are viewing a past event
Penn in Latin America & the Caribbean: Inaugural Conference
1:00 - 6:00 PM

Overall purpose of this inaugural PLAC conference was to promote interaction and collaboration across Penn Schools regarding health in the Latin America & Caribbean (LAC) region.

Keynote Speaker

1:00 PM | Welcome Remarks by Dean Villarruel

1:10 PM | Introduction of Keynote Speaker

  • Zeke Emanuel, Vice Provost for Global Initiatives

1:20 PM | Keynote

  • Amanda Glassman, MSc, Vice President for Programs, Director of Global Health Policy, and Senior Fellow, Center for Global Development, Washington DC

  • Más Allá de los Promedios: Understanding Why Inequity Persists and What It Means for Health Policy in Latin America (PDF)

2:15 PM | Panel: Health Systems & Health Equity

Moderator:  Amanda Glassman

  1. The Guatemala Health Initiative: celebrating ten years of relationship based education and community health development in Santiago Atitlán, Sololá, Guatemala – Bream, Asst Prof, PSOM

  2. Strengthening Chagas disease control systems in Southern Peru – Buttenheim/Levy, SON/PSOM

  3. Quality and Safety in Obstetric Care in Latin America:  A New Way to Reduce Maternal Mortality [LAC Region] – Ludmir, Prof, PSOM

  4. Panel Q & A

3:15 PM | Break

3:35 PM | Panel: Social Determinants & Health Equity 

Moderator: Sandra Andino

  1. Citizen Participation in Public Health in Argentina, 2007-2008 – Falletti, Assoc Prof, SAS

  2. Armed Internal Conflict (AIC) and Fertility in Colombia 2000 – 2010 – Castro, PhD Candidate, SAS

  3. Effective Urban Planning, Social Equity, and Health – Gouverneur, Assoc Prof, Design

  4. Panel Q & A

4:35  PM | Closing Remarks by Dean Antonia Villarruel

5:00 PM | Reception & Poster Presentations

  • Avery, PSOM:   Medical Physics Education - Cuba

  • Billig, PSOM:  Predict Urban Insect Infestations-Peru

  • Calderon, PSOM: mHealth for childhood illness mgmt-Peru

  • De la Cruz Gutierrez, Biomed Library:  Building research capacity - Guatemala

  • DelRosso, PSOM: Sleep education efficacy-Dominican Republic

  • Fausto, SON:  Promoting immigrant health-USA

  • Garcia, SAS: Diabetes-Guatemala

  • Getrajdman, SAS: Triage & Limited Resources-Region

  • Harrington +, SON: Popular education-Guatemala

  • Kopparam, SEAS: Maternal Health Care Utilization-Guatemala

  • La Rosa, UPHS: Postpartum F-U Promotoras-USA

  • Lake, SON: Healthcare Quality & Safety-Chile

  • Lipoff, PSOM:Dermatology resident outreach-Guatemala

  • Rascovsky, PSOM: Young onset dementia-Region

  • Ravitch & Johanek, GSE: Educational Leadership Network-LAC Region

  • Rieders, Wharton:   Chagas Disease Control Analysis-Peru

  • Samanta, SAS: Health Systems & U.S. Security-Region

  • Tems, UPHS: Emergency Medicine- Guyana

  • Zug, SON:  Advanced Practice Nursing Role- LAC Region